GSI Short Call

​2024 Geological Survey Ireland Short Call

The Geological Survey Ireland Short Call 2024 is designed to support excellent research, build capacity, increase research impact and strengthen research teams in the area of geoscience on the island of Ireland. 

Research themes
Geological Survey Ireland will support projects under the following research themes: 
  1. Bedrock or Quaternary geology of Ireland (Ge)
  2. Groundwater resources and protection (Gw)
  3. Minerals, including minerals prospectivity (Mi)
  4. Marine geology & mapping (Ma)
  5. Geochemistry (Gc)
  6. Geophysics (Gp)
  7. Coastal change (Co)
  8. Geohazards & geotechnical engineering (Gz)
  9. Geothermal Energy and/or Subsurface Thermal Storage (Gt)
  10. Online database delivery and management (Db)
  11. Palaeoclimate/climate impact studies using geological data (Cl)
  12. Geoscience education & learning (Ed)
  13. Medical Geology or Forensic Geology (MF)
  14. Geological Storage of Hydrogen and/or Carbon (Gs)
  15. Biostratigraphy (Bs)
All projects must undertake research or technological development in a geoscience context.

Examples of types of projects
Applied, basic or ‘blue skies’ research projects are eligible. Examples include:
  • Seed projects towards development of larger scale projects
  • Student bursaries or scholarships (e.g. summer students, MSc.)
  • Development of prototypes/software
  • Development of methodologies/toolkits
  • Demonstration projects
  • Increasing accessibility to, and visibility of, Geological Survey Ireland archives

12pm, Tuesday 30 April 2024

Maximum funding
€30,000 including indirect costs

Maximum 14 months

By email – Applicants must use the application form provided, please see template below.

The call is open to researchers in any company or Higher Education Institute based in Ireland or Northern Ireland (projects led by researchers based in Northern Ireland must include a partner based in Ireland). Full eligibility rules can be found in the Terms and Conditions

If you have a question that is not answered in the documents, or if you encounter any difficulty with the Word document, please contact

If you would like more information about the programme, or projects previously funded through this call, please go to:
Applicants should carefully review the information provided in the Terms and Conditions.

2022 GSI Short Call

The GSI Short call is designed to support excellent research, build capacity, increase research impact and strengthen research teams in the area of geoscience on the Island of Ireland. 

Research  themes
The Geological Survey will support projects under the following GSI Research themes: 
  1. Bedrock and /or Quaternary geology of Ireland
  2. Groundwater resources and protection
  3. Minerals, including minerals prospectivity
  4. Marine geology & mapping
  5. Geochemistry
  6. Geophysics
  7. Coastal change
  8. Geohazards & geotechnical engineering
  9. Geothermal Energy
  10. Online database delivery and management
  11. Projects utilising GSI holdings of the National Archive*
  12. Artificial intelligence and applications to geoscience data
  13. Palaeoclimate/climate impact studies using geological data
  14. Geoscience education & learning

* For more information about the GSI holdings of the National Archive, please go to the GSI Archives page or email

Examples of types of projects
Applied, basic or ‘blue skies’ research projects are eligible. Examples include:
  • Seed projects towards development of larger scale projects
  • Student bursaries or scholarships (e.g. summer students, MSc.)
  • Development of prototypes/software
  • Development of methodologies/toolkits
  • Demonstration projects
  • Increasing accessibility to, and visibility of, GSI archives
Projects utilising GSI funded geoscience infrastructure, e.g. the Earth Surface Research Laboratory at Trinity College, and/or with applications in Soil science, Climate Change and Subsurface Spatial Management are particularly encouraged. 

12noon, Tuesday July 5th 2022

Maximum funding
€30,000 including indirect costs

Maximum 14 months

By email – Applicants must use the application form provided, please see template below.

The call is open to researchers in any company or Higher Education Institute based in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland (projects led by researchers based in Northern Ireland must include a partner based in RoI). Full eligibility rules can be found in the Terms and Conditions

GSI Short Call 2022 Terms and Conditions
GSI Short Call 2022 FAQ
GSI Short Call 2022 Application Form

If you have a question that is not answered in the documents, or if you encounter any difficulty with the Word document, please contact

If you would like more information about the programme, or projects previously funded through this call, please go to:


Short Call 2020

The GSI Short Call is designed to support small scale applied, basic or 'blue skies' projects. Examples include:

  • Seed projects towards development of larger scale projects
  • Student bursaries or scholarships (e.g. summer students, MSc.)
  • Development of prototypes/software
  • Development of methodologies/toolkits
  • Demonstration projects
  • Development and publication of products (e.g. open databases, map products, books etc.)

For the 2020 call, and to support recent Government policies in relation to the Covid-19 economic recovery, this years' call aims to increase support the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) sector as well as projects based in higher education institutes.
In addition, projects utilising the new Earth Surface Research Laboratory at Trinity College are particularly encouraged. The ESRL carries out analysis for the GSI Tellus programme and provides analytical facilities for bulk-rock and soil geochemistry research. Available instruments include wavelength dispersive XRF, energy dispersive XRF, a multi-element analyser and a Mercury analyser. For further information please see the website and refer to the review process information below.

9am, 5 October 2020

Maximum funding
€30,000 including indirect costs

Maximum 14 months

By email – Applicants must use the application form provided, please see template below.

The call is open to researchers in any company or Higher Education Institute based in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland (projects led by researchers based in Northern Ireland must include a partner based in RoI).


If you have a question that is not answered in the above documents, or if you encounter any difficulty with the Word document, please contact

If you would like more information about the programme, or projects previously funded through this call, please go to:

There will be an online information session for SMEs on 1 September 2020 at 2.30pm.
For the link, please email


GSI Short Call 2017

The Short Call is designed to support applied, basic or 'blue skies' projects. Examples include:

  • Seed projects towards development of larger scale projects
  • Student bursaries or scholarships (e.g. summer students, MSc.)
  • Development of prototypes/software
  • Development of methodologies/toolkits
  • Demonstration projects

Development and publication of products (e.g. open databases, map products, books etc.)

Maximum funding
€25,000 including indirect costs

Maximum 12 months

By email – Applicants must use the application form provided - please see note below.

The call is open to researchers in any company, advisory group, charity or Higher Education Institute based in the Republic of Ireland

Please read the call documents carefully.

Should you encounter any difficulty with the Word document, please be aware that it is available from research offices or email  
If you would like more information about the programme or projects funded to date please go to: