The EPA 2023 call for research funding closed in June 2023 this year.

The call will fund project up to a total value of €16m and will include:
  • Five themes to support innovative research to inform policy and build capacity in current and emerging priority areas; and
  • 22 topics to address identified research and evidence needs to inform, develop, and implement national policy.
The call will also include a groundwater topic co-funded by Geological Survey Ireland, and two topics that will utilise Tellus geophysics data.
A webinar was made available on April 27th 2023 for potential applicants.


The EPA have launched their 2022 call for research proposals including the following themes:


The Environmental Protection Agency, in collaboration with Geological Survey Ireland Groundwater Programme, funds research activities under the EPA Water research call. This research aims to protect Ireland's water resources and meet our requirements under water-related EU directives, the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and national polices.

Funding is available for small, medium or large scale projects (please see call documents for specific Terms and Conditions). 


​EPA Research Call 2021

The EPA has launched the 2021 research call seeking proposals from the research community to help identify solutions to climate change and other emerging and complex environmental problems. With up to €10.5 million available for new research projects, the funding will be provided under the four EPA Research 2030 interconnected research hubs:
  • Addressing climate change evidence needs
  • Facilitating a green and circular economy
  • Delivering a healthy environment
  • Protecting and restoring our natural environment

The call includes geoscience topics such as dating of Irish groundwaters (co-funded by GSI) and assessment of Critical Raw Materials in Ireland

Important: Changes have been made to the EPA's Online Grant Management and Application Portal System as well as to the EPA’s Funding Rules. Potential applicants are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the new layout, new application form and templates, as well as revised funding rules.

Application deadline is July 14th, however applications should visit the EPA website for all deadlines, queries and applciation information


EPA Research Programme 2018-2019

The EPA have published their 2018 EPA research call . This year the calls include 3 projects that will be co-funded by GSI, two under the Sustainability pillar and one under the Water pillar.

Closing date & Submission

All submissions are to be made to the EPA via their online system. Deadline is June 27th 2018.


(A) Theme 1: Resource Efficiency. Topic: Ireland’s Critical Raw Materials (CRM) Budget. €300,000

(B) Theme 2: Health & Wellbeing including Radiation Protection. Topic: Metallic/metalloid chemical substances of concern and priority substances: Characterisation and epidemiological linkages. Budget  €60,000


(A) Theme 4: Understanding, Managing and Conserving our Water Resources |Topic: Groundwater monitoring via GRACE satellite gravity measurements over Ireland. Budget €80,000

All information is available on the EPA website.