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GSI Targeted Projects - Groundwater

GSI Target Project for Groundwater Research

Integrated modelling of hydrogeological/hydrological data and climate change scenarios for preselected Irish groundwater systems.


Applications are now open for this GSI funded research call. Successful applicants are expected to work closely with the GSI Groundwater team to deliver data, analysis and models that will greatly improve our understanding of how groundwater resources respond to climatic stresses. It is also expected that output from this project will improve the reliability of planning and forecasting, which will inform climate adaptation strategies. Specifically, the work will support decision-making for areas impacted by groundwater flooding, and areas impacted by reduced groundwater recharge ("drought issues") due to seasonally lower precipitation and higher temperatures.

Full details and call documents are available for download:


Funding available: €85,000 per annum

Duration: 24 months

Closing date for applications: 1pm Thursday 19 December 2019

Submission process: Full applications to be submitted by email to the GSI Research Office (see Terms and Conditions).