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GSI Travel for Access & Lab. Analysis Grants

Geological Survey Ireland Travel for Access & Lab. Analysis Grants 2024

To increase the impact of Geological Survey Ireland investments in facilities, archives and research equipment, Geological Survey Ireland launchs a new call for Access and Lab Analysis Grants that aim to support:
  1. researchers accessing Geological Survey Ireland, or Geological Survey Ireland funded, facilities/equipments/physical archives. For more details see Geological Survey Ireland funded equipment or Geological Survey Ireland facilities, or
  2. travel costs or laboratory analysis costs for taught research MSc projects; these projects must be nominated by Geological Survey Ireland or approved in advance and must support Geological Survey Ireland programmes

Duration of the Grant
The costs must be committed or paid between 1 May  and  30 September  2024.

Maximum Grant funding
The total contribution requested from Geological Survey Ireland must not exceed €1,500 with costs of travel and subsistence/accomodation not exceeding €1,000 in any one application.

Students, Research Assitants or Postdoctoral Researchers are eligible to apply for travel costs to access Geological Survey Ireland facilities/archives, or Geological Survey Ireland funded facilities or equipment,
Taught MSc students undertaking a project nominated by Geological Survey Ireland may apply for funding to cover the cost of fieldwork and/or lab analysis for the project.

12pm, Thursday, 4 April 2024

By email – Applicants must use the application form provided, please see template below.

Geological Survey Ireland TALA 2024 Terms & Conditions
Geological Survey Ireland TALA 2024 FAQ
Geological Survey Ireland TALA 2024 Application Form

If you have a question that is not answered in the documents, or if you encounter any difficulty with the Word document, please contact
Applicants should carefully review the information provided in the Terms and Conditions.