EPOS-NL call open for free-of-charge to op Earth scientific research labs in the Netherlands
The Dutch research infrastructure for solid Earth sciences offers free-of-charge access to top Earth scientific research labs in the Netherlands:
- The ESL High Pressure and Temperature (HPT) Lab at Utrecht University
- The ESL Tectonic modelling (Tec-)Lab at Utrecht University
- The GeoLab at Utrecht University, including the Microprobe, NanoSIMS and Porous Media Labs
- The Petrophysics Lab (DPL) at Delft University of Technology
- The Multi-scale Imaging and Tomography (MINT) facilities at Delft University of Technology
- The Rijswijk Centre for Sustainable Geo-energy (RCSG), of TNO
These labs offer capabilities for a.o. A) rock mechanics and fluid transport testing at crustal conditions, on samples ranging from mm to meter-scale, B) analogue modelling of tectonic processes, and C) a wide range in electron microscopy and X-ray tomography techniques, for high resolution 2D and 3D imaging. Access includes lab use, scientific support and financial support for travel, accommodation, or sample shipment.
Application Submission timeline:
open from 1 July to 30 August 2024
Proposal guidelines:
Should include a short summary (max 150 words) and the project description (max 2 pages), including:A. Scientific background and rationale (what and why?)B. Research methodology and approach (how?), with:Sample informationThe type of analyses you require plus justificationEstimate and justification of analysis timeC. Innovative aspects (what is new?)D. Anticipated advancement (how will the analysis benefit your research?)Proposals are assessed by EPOS-NL -affiliated researchers, on technical feasibility and quality of the proposal.
All information on the Facilities - EPOS-NL website.
Free-of-charge access to Earth scientific Labs in the Netherlands
EPOS-NL, the Dutch research infrastructure for solid Earth sciences offers free-of-charge access to top Earth scientific research labs in the Netherlands:
- The ESL High Pressure and Temperature (HPT) Lab at Utrecht University
- The ESL Tectonic modelling (Tec-)Lab at Utrecht University
- The Petrophysics Lab (DPL) at Delft University of Technology
- The Multi-scale Imaging and Tomography (MINT) facilities at Delft University of Technology
- The Electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) at Utrecht University
- The Porous Media Lab at Utrecht University
- The Rijswijk Centre for Sustainable Geo-energy (RCSG), of TNO
These labs offer capabilities for a.o. A) rock mechanics and fluid transport testing at crustal conditions, on samples ranging from mm to meter-scale, B) analogue modelling of tectonic processes, and C) a wide range X-ray tomography techniques, for 3D imaging down to sub-micrometer resolution. Access includes lab use, scientific support and financial support for travel, accommodation, or sample shipment.
Apply now – the call for (max 2-page) proposals is open from 1 February to 17 March.

ESRL Calls
The GSI funded Earth Surface Research Laboratory in Trinity College Dublin has launched an Open Call for researchers on the Island of Ireland to access the TCD facilities. Information about the facilities and specifications for geochemical analysis are available at the ESRL website. Costs of analysis will be covered by GSI as part of our support for Irish geoscience research and to ensure these national resources are available to all researchers.
Full information about application process is available on the ESRL webpage.
For queries, please contact Dr Mike Stock, ESRL Director. Michael.Stock@tcd.ie
The call will close at 5pm on September 30th 2023. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
ESRL Open Call 2023
The GSI funded Earth Surface Research Laboratory in Trinity College Dublin has launched an open call for researchers on the Island of Ireland to access the TCD facilities. Information about the facilities and specifications for geochemical analysis are available at the ESRL website. Costs of analysis will be covered by GSI as part of our support for Irish geoscience research and to ensure these national resources are available to all researchers.
Full information about application process is available on the ESRL webpage.
For queries, please contact Dr Mike Stock, ESRL Director. Michael.Stock@tcd.ie
The call closed at 5pm on March 20th 2023._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2022 Open Call
The GSI funded Earth Surface Research Laboratory in Trinity College Dublin will soon launch an open call for researchers on the Island of Ireland to access the TCD facilities.
Information about the facilities and specifications for geochemical analysis are available at the ESRL website.
of analysis will be covered by GSI as part of our support for Irish
geoscience research and to ensure these national resources are available
to all researchers.
Full information about application process is available on the ESRL webpage.
The call will close on February 23rd 2022._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2021 Open Call
The GSI funded Earth Surface Research Laboratory in Trinity College Dublin will soon launch an open call for researchers on the Island of Ireland to access the TCD facilities.
Information about the facilities and specifications for geochemical analysis are available at the ESRL website.
of analysis will be covered by GSI as part of our support for Irish
geoscience research and to ensure these national resources are available
to all researchers.
Full information about application process will be available in late June on the ESRL webpage and here.
Call will open on June 23rd and close July 19th.
It is expected access will be provided between Deptember and December
2021, however this is dependant on Covid-19 restrictions.