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Geohazards data and maps available to date include Landslides Susceptibility Mapping, PanGEO Terrain Motion and Karst features.

Landslides Susceptibility Mapping

PanGeo Terrain Motion

Karst features


Landslides Susceptibility Mapping

This include landslide events and susceptibility map.

Coordinate System: Irish Transverse Mercator / ITM

Data DownloadZip file
Map ViewerLink to viewer
Web Services

Landslide Susceptibility Classification

Landslide Locations & Extents

​ReportLink to publication page

PanGeo Terrain Motion

Geological Survey Ireland participated in this FP7-funded  project and assessed ground instability geohazard information for two of the most densely populated areas in the country, Co Dublin and Cork City. By combining satellite measurements of ground and building movement with geological information already held by the Geological Survey and limited field validation GSI has developed maps and reports which show and describe areas of potential or observed ground instabilities. 

Data DownloadCork Zip file  Dublin Zip file
Map ViewerLink to viewer
Web Services

Rest Service Dublin

Rest Service Cork


PanGeo Geohazard Description of Dublin, Link to publication page

PanGeo Geohazard Description for Cork, Link to publication page


Karst features

Karst features should be considered during site assessment due to their implication in ground stability.

Coordinate System: Irish Transverse Mercator / ITM

Data DownloadZip file
Map ViewerLink to viewer
MetadataLink to ISDE website to website
Web ServicesMap server