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PanGeo Geohazard Description for Dublin

PanGeo Geohazard Description for Dublin

04 January 2013

​County Dublin is located on Ireland's eastern coastal margin and occupies an area of 920 km² (c. 1.3% of the total area of the Republic of Ireland). Dublin City is Ireland's capital city and the Dublin metropolitan area is Ireland's financial and administrative centre. Dublin is the hub of Ireland's transportation networks and a key gateway for international trade via air and sea. The Republic of Ireland has a total population of c. 4,588,000 and of that population c. 1,273,000 live in Co. Dublin making it the most densely populated part of the country.

Ground instabilities affect parts of Co. Dublin and the Geological Survey of Ireland has developed a map, and this report which shows and describes areas of potential or observed ground instabilities as part of the FP7 PanGeo project. Geological Survey of Ireland datasets along with Ordnance Survey of Ireland mapping, PSI datasets and limited field validation were used to develop this interpretation.

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