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Geological Survey Ireland Research Roadmap 2016

Geological Survey Ireland Research Roadmap 2016

Geological Survey Ireland Research Roadmap 2016

The Geological Survey Ireland  Research Programme was launched in 2016 and is supported by the Research Roadmap; this is an outline strategy and implementation plan to deliver the programme. The roadmap outlines our commitment to supporting excellent geoscience research. Our goal is to build capacity and develop a network of excellent geoscience researchers who will help address three of the key challenges facing society today:

  1. Sustainability and management of Earth resources (including groundwater), 
  2. Risk mitigation for geological hazards (including geotechnical hazards) and 
  3. Public perception of geosciences & citizen science.

    We supports researchers in academia and industry and will continue to develop these relationships further through our roles as a research funder, collaborator and performer. These activities will be strengthened by development of appropriate tools and methodologies to address the challenges facing us. We expect these partnerships and support systems to positively impact our economy and our society through better understanding of Earth systems.

Download the Research Roadmap (PDF)

The Research Roadmap is also available as gaeilge (PDF).