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County Geology of Ireland: Dublin

County Geology of Ireland: Dublin


​The Geoschol initiative or "Geology for schools in Ireland" was a project funded as part of the Griffith Geoscience Research Awards by the then Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. The working group involved members of the Geology Department in Trinity College Dublin, the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin, the Ulster Museum in Belfast and Geological Survey Ireland. Rocks sets, posters for the classroom, an activity book and county geology leaflets including this one were produced and circulated to all primary schools between 2007 and 2009.

This leaflet provides an overview of the geology of County Dublin and is an ideal introduction to the topic.

The Geology highlights of County Dublin include Howth Head quartzites, Granite mountains, volcanic rocks at Portrane and Lambay,  Carboniferous limestone along north Dublin coast, Killiney metamorphic rocks and glacial deposits.

Download the publication.

More resources for schools by Geoschol.