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Dublin Historic Industry Database

Dublin Historic Industry Database

10 January 2010

This report outlines the findings of the Dublin Historic Industry Database commissioned by the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) in September 2010 with Carrig Conservation, in association with Mary McMahon, Urban Heritage Consultancy and Gamma, engaged to carry out the work.

The Geological Survey of Ireland undertook the Dublin Soil Urban Geochemistry (SURGE) project encompassing a chemical survey of topsoil from areas around Dublin city and county; seeking to:

  • Complete a baseline survey of soil chemistry in Dublin,
  • Assess the extent and nature of metals and organic chemicals in Dublin soils,
  • Develop geochemical maps of Dublin soils that can be used for land use and planning purposes, environmental management and health risk assessment.

The Dublin Historic Industry Database is intended to provide a survey of historic land uses in the Dublin area concentrating on determining the locations of potentially polluting industries and their durations. The project includes the four administrative areas – Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council, South Dublin County Council and Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council.


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