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National Landslide Susceptibility Map

National Landslide Susceptibility Map


Following two major landslide incidences in Ireland in 2003 in Galway and Mayo the Geological Survey Ireland established the Irish Landslides Working Group (ILWG) in 2004. It was felt important that it should be a multi-disciplinary team, bringing together various types of expertise which are relevant to landslide studies. This point is often stressed in the international literature on the subject (Brunsden, 1993). The Group includes expertise on geology (Bedrock and Quaternary), geomorphology, geotechnical engineering, planning, and GIS. The participants were drawn from state and semi-state agencies, and also the universities. The main objectives of the ILWG were;

1. Build a national database of past landslide events;

2. Examine geotechnical parameters with regard to landslides;

3. Assess the potential for landslide susceptibility mapping in Ireland;

4. Make recommendations on the integration of landslide hazard issues into the planning process;

5. Promotion of landslide research in Ireland;

6. Raise public awareness about landslide hazard in Ireland.

This report provides an overview of the Landslide Susceptibility Project being undertaken by the Geological Survey and can be read as a lay user guide to the output Susceptibility maps.

​Download the report