In 2021 GSI launched a funding call for small scale research equipment (from €5,000 to €25,000). Funds could be used to purchase new equipment or to upgrade existing facilities.
Funding was awarded in late 2021 and the installations were completed by late 2022. Awards included:
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer for the characterisation of geologic and environmentally-relevant materials and rocks (Trinity College Dublin)
- Polishing system for laser ablation ICP-MS and SEM samples (pucks/mounts) (Trinity College Dublin)
- The Irish Cosmogenic Nuclide Facility (ICNF): Growing Ireland’s capacity for cutting-edge cosmogenic nuclide geochronology (University of Galway)
- Raising capability to determine the carbonate chemistry of Aquatic systems (University of Galway)
- Pb-210 alpha counter (Queen's University Belfast)
- The first dedicated visualisation workstation for ‘virtual geoscience’ in Ireland (University College Dublin)
- Enhancement of Environmental Geoscience Lab (University College Dublin)
- Expansion of ICARUS Palaeo Research laboratory (Maynooth University)
- Vessel winch for geoscience research applications (University of Ulster)
- Magnetometer Upgrade to Monitor Geomagnetic Storms at Birr Castle (DIAS)
- Nikon Eclipse LV100ND automated microscope (University of Galway)
You can find more information on each item and details on how to access the equipment here.