2015 Short Call Projects

2015 Short Call Projects

Lead Applicant: Dr Ulrich Ofterdinger  |  Host: Queen's University Belfast

Project Title: Determining fractured bedrock aquifer parameters using magnetic resonance sounding to better constrain numerical groundwater models in support of catchment scale water resource management.

Project Description: The project will investigate the relationship between key hydrogeological parameters within fractured bedrock aquifers across varying scales of observation using Magnetic Resonance Sounding in order to provide more certainty with regard to assessing groundwater flow paths and contaminant transport processes within the framework of catchment scale water resource management.



Lead Applicant: Dr Volker Rath    |  Host: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies

Project Title: Spatially constrained Bayesian inversion of frequency- and time-domain airborne electromagnetic data from the Tellus projects.

Project Description: A novel method for interpreting electromagnetic data from the Tellus surveys with 1-D layered subsurface models is developed, implemented in an open-source code, and tested on field data. Using Bayesian techniques and spatial constraints, the approach delivers estimates of uncertainty along with preferred conductivity-depth models for each site.



Lead Applicant: Dr Paul Doherty   |   Host: Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions

Project Title: Analysis and monitoring strategy of Irish landslides.

Project Description: Over the past decade landslides have received increasing attention due to a number of high profile slope failures. This project aims to extend the previous work conducted by the GSI by undertaking detailed statistical interrogation of the existing landslide database records. The most frequent landslide categories will be determined and the mechanisms linked to the landslide characteristics, including rainfall thresholds



Lead Applicant: Dr Mike Long   |  Host: University College Dublin

Project Title: 3D geological map of the pre-glacial trench central Dublin

Project Description: The project team of UCD, ARUP and TII will develop a 3D understanding of the engineering properties of granular deposits in Central Dublin pre-glacial trench. Main input will be data from the GSI database and that for Metro North. Software, developed by ARUP, will be used for the 3D models.



Lead Applicant: Dr Max Kozachenko   |   Host: Geocoast

Project Title: GEOCOAST guide to the Wild Atlantic Way (A guide to coastal geology and landscapes of the Wild Atlantic Way)

Project Description: This project will produce a hard copy pocket guide to coastal geology and landscapes of the Wild Atlantic Way. It will include maps showing locations of places of interest, photographs and informative text treating coastal landscapes from a perspective of bedrock and Quaternary geology and environmental processes that shaped them.



Lead Applicant: Dr Max Kozachenko   |   Host: Geocoast

Project Title: Development of a coastal infrastructure GIS (open source)

Project Description: This project will develop a coastal infrastructure GIS for Ireland using open source Map Server technology. GIS data and metadata will be collated, standardised and quality checked. New mapping will be performed to fill the gaps and will be based on interpretation of available aerial photographs and field visits.



Lead Applicant: Mr Tom Davitt           |       Host: PGW Europe

Project Title: Integrated geological-geophysical model for stratiform Zn-Pb exploration

Project Description: This project aims to provide better insight into the localization of stratabound and fault-controlled Zn-Pb deposits in Ireland. This will be achieved by creating a new regional integrated 3D litho-structural interpretation of geophysical datasets obtained from the Tellus (and related) surveys, as well as 2D section-based models of magnetic, gravity and EM datasets.



Lead Applicant: Dr Mark Coughlan   |  Host: Gaeletric

Project Title: Irish sea suitability mapping for novel offshore foundations (ISSMaNOF)

Project Description: The Irish Sea has one of Europe’s best offshore renewable energy resources. Current vagaries about the geological conditions may significantly impact offshore infrastructural development. The ISSMaNOF project aims to utilise extensive geophysical and geological data gathered by INFOMAR to generate value-added mapping products within the context of offshore foundation feasibility.



Lead Applicant: Dr Pierre Arroucau     |    Host: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies

Project Title: Natural, man-made and induced seismicity of Ireland: discrimination and hazard

Project Description: This project will develop new tools for the detection and location of seismic events in Ireland and for discrimination between natural earthquakes and man-made events, such as quarry blasts. It will produce a new database of Irish seismicity, to be disseminated through the Irish National Seismic Network (INSN) website.



Lead Applicant: Dr Conor Cahalane    |   Host: Maynooth University

Project Title: Developing a rapid, low-cost bathymetric survey methodology using multiresolution imagery

Project Description: This project is a collaboration between Maynooth University and the GSI. Remote sensing image processing algorithms will be applied to multi-resolution imagery in the development of a methodology for bathymetric mapping. The suitability of imagery captured by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Light Aircraft and Satellites will be assessed in these tests.



Lead Applicant: Prof Laurence Gill     |     Host: Trinity College Dublin

Project Title: Characterisation of stable isotope fractionations during reactive transport of phosphate in groundwater discharging to a groundwater fed lake (Lough Gur, Co. Limerick)

Project Description: Lake groundwater discharge is often overlooked and the focus of this study is the novel application of phosphate (δ18OP) as a tracer of P to a groundwater fed lake. Other established isotope techniques will characterise the source of water and biogeochemical processes contributing to nutrient cycling within the lake.



Lead Applicant: Dr Liam Morrisson     |    Host: NUI, Galway

Project Title: Linking sources of contamination of groundwater resources with naturally occurring arsenic in metasedimentary rock in Ireland

Project Description: Elevated arsenic concentrations have been reported at certain locations around Ireland as a result of routine testing of drinking water supplies under Ireland’s Water Framework Directive (WFD) obligations. The project will investigate the origin and mobilisation of geogenic arsenic in groundwater flowing through fractured metasedimentary bedrock aquifers.



Lead Applicant: Dr Shane Tyrrell      |    Host: NUI, Galway

Project Title: Linking sedimentary architecture and sediment sources in the NW Carboniferous Basin

Project Description: This project aims to utilise new provenance techniques to constrain sand supply to the Northwest Carboniferous Basin during the Carboniferous, answering questions about its evolution and palaeogeographic development. This will have potentially economically significant implications for predicting the distribution of discrete packages within the 3D architecture of the basinal system.



Lead Applicant: Mr Ricardo Pasquali (1)    |      Host: Terra Geoserv

Project Title: Irish soil thermal properties project (ISTP)

Project Description: The Irish Soil Thermal Properties Project (ISTP) will quantify the thermal properties of Irish soils and develop guidelines to estimate design parameters for ground source heating systems. A reference dataset to complement to the existing EPA/Teagasc data and facilitate the uptake of shallow geothermal energy as well as civil engineering applications.



Lead Applicant: Mr Ronan O'Toole       |    Host: Greenlight Surveys

Project Title: UAV for intertidal and coastal zone mapping feasibility study

Project Description: Recent advances in UAV technology, mean that a novel approach for addressing coastal and intertidal zone mapping may now be feasible. This short call project aims to determine the feasibility of using UAVs for coastal mapping and will address the operational parameters and procedures, processing techniques and regulatory issues which must be constrained prior to deployment of this technology in a dedicated coastal mapping role.



Lead Applicant: Mr Gearoid O'Riain     |    Host: Compass Infomatics

Project Title: Development of a coastal infrastructure web GIS with remote sensing focus

Project Description: The project will deliver an open-source WebGIS that will reuse existing tools in use in Compass Informatics and in geoscience organisations. This will be populated with coastal infrastructure data and remote sensing imagery including Sentinel data, along with selected imagery analysis data products.



Lead Applicant: Dr James Riordan     |      Host: Sonarsim

Project Title: A hydrography training program demonstrator

Project Description: This project will leverage SonarSim’s existing Hydrographic Survey Simulation infrastructure to create the learning content for a small-scale programme demonstrator which will showcase our innovative task based approach to competency based training. The long term strategic objective is the establishment of an Irish Centre of Excellence in Hydrography Training.



Lead Applicant: Dr Aggeliki Georgiopoulou    |    Host: University College Dublin

Project Title: Frequency of slope collapses on Rockall Bank and mechanical characterisation of the sediments

Project Description: This project seeks to understand what makes the sediments at the eastern slope of Rockall Bank so prone to instability and also how frequent these slide events are. A set of sediment cores, collected during the SORBEH expedition from water depths of 700-2000m, are going to be used.



Lead Applicant: Dr Colman Gallagher       |    Host: University College Dublin

Project Title: Quantifying coastal evolution along Donegal Bay system using remote sensing approaches

Project Description: This project examines the impacts of changing sediment supply, rising sea level and climate change on coastal dune stability, determining relationships between shoreline change rates, beach/dune morphodynamics and near-shore/offshore sediment availability and pathways in Donegal Bay. The research pilots the possible development of an integrated national-scale model of coastal change.



Lead Applicant: Dr Mark Holdstock (1)     |      Host: Aurum Exploration

Project Title: Using Tellus electromagnetic and geochemical datasets to improve soil mapping in Ireland

Project Description: The aim of this work is to classify Irish soil types based on their geochemical and geophysical characteristics. Working with GSI staff, our research will directly compare output from the airborne geophysical and ground geochemical components of the recent Tellus Border and Tellus North Midlands surveys with published geological information.



Lead Applicant: Prof Debra Laefer     |     Host: University College Dublin

Project Title: Coastal modelling through low-cost video-based photogrammetry

Project Description: Coastal modelling through low-cost video-based photogrammetry will develop a rapid, low-cost means to monitor changes along coastal areas and river networks. The overall goal is to develop an online system for submitting video imagery that is then processed as a series of still images for improved documentation.



Lead Applicant: Mr Coran Kelly        |    Host: Tobin Consulting

Project Title: Production of a handbook of karst for Irish hydrogeologists

Project Description: The compilation of a guide to the main characteristics of the hydrogeology of karstified limestone and how best to investigate groundwater in karst, with particular regard to Ireland. It will be of use primarily, to practicing hydrogeologists and allied specialists who lack formal training in karst hydrogeology but who may be required to undertake work in karst.



Lead Applicant: Dr Mark Cooper       |     Host: Geological Survey of Northern Ireland

Project Title: An All-Ireland quaternary map

Project Description: This project aims to produce an All-Ireland Quaternary map at 1:500,000 scale using data from the Geological Survey of Ireland, the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland and the BRITICE project. These will be available as a seamless digital data set composed of 17 sediment types and 4 geomorphological features.



Lead Applicant: Mr Mark Holdstock (2)    |       Host: Aurum Exploration

Project Title: Characterisation of mining waste

Project Description: Secondary Raw Materials form a significant pillar in the sustainability of Europe’s access to both critical and non-critical raw materials. Mine waste has been earmarked as a valuable potential source of such materials. The project will analyse samples of mine waste from sites across Ireland, to assess their economic potential.

Report: please contact research@gsi.ie  for report



Lead Applicant: Dr Giulio Solferino      |       Host: University College Cork

Project Title: The geochemistry of Waterford Copper Coast mineralisation

Project Description: This project aims to characterize Waterford copper mineralisation employing cutting-edge field and geochemical analytical methods. The genesis of the copper deposit will be explained and the ore classified following current EU Economic Geology designations. Moreover, the research outcomes will enhance the Copper Coast Geopark initiative.



Lead Applicant: Prof Dan Toal (1)      |      Host: University of Limerick

Project Title: Unmanned surface vehicle for inshore bathymetric survey

Project Description: This project addresses the need of GSI to carry out seabed survey in in-shore shallow areas, which cannot readily be completed with normal survey vessel because of draft / safety concerns. The project will develop a USV control system to enable (semi) autonomous operation of survey in these shallows.



Lead Applicant: Prof Dan Toal (2)      |     Host: University of Limerick

Project Title: Semi-autonomous UAV landing in challenging conditions

Project Description: This project deals with UAV landing in Challenging Condition” and is focused on the development of pilot support tools for operations of take-off and landing from a moving platform. The goal is to develop a reliable control platform to aid the pilot and to provide a level semi-autonomous operation.



Lead Applicant: Dr Kirstin Lemon      |      Host: Geological Survey of Northern Ireland

Project Title: All-Ireland karst features dataset

Project Description: This project will extend the GSI Karst Features dataset north to produce an all-Ireland dataset so that the full extent of Irish karst can be properly visualised and appreciated. It will assess the viability of spatial dataset interpretation to identify karst features combined with ground truthing verification across two sites.



Lead Applicant: Dr Audrey Morley       |     Host: NUI, Galway

Project Title: Deposition and accumulation of microplastics and pollutants in marine sediments from the Irish continental shelf

Project Description: The Shannon delivers a high sediment load west of the Aaran Islands, providing habitat for Nephrops but also sources of pollution including microplastics and heavy metals. Here we are developing a method to identify microplastics and heavy metals deposited in marine sediments for an economically and ecologically important fishing ground.



Lead Applicant: Mr Mark Holdstock (3)      |      Host: Aurum Exploration

Project Title: Mineral prospectivity; analysis utilising publically available datasets and free & open source software

Project Description: This project will show that the availability of quality public datasets allows effective prospectivity analyses, using only free data and free/open source software. By limiting the costs associated with developing targets for mineral exploration, the research will show how free data sources can help stimulate exploration and promote inward investment.



Lead Applicant: Dr Quentin Crowley      |      Host: Trinity College Dublin

Project Title: Assessing marine and anthropogenic influences on the terrestrial biosphere strontium isotope budget

Project Description: This project aims to characterise modifications of soil chemistry due to marine and agriculturally-derived influxes. Tellus geochemical data will be used to identify deviations from expected trends. Additional samples will be selected for strontium isotope analysis, resulting in a more accurate estimate of geochemical fluxes in the contemporary Irish biosphere.



Lead Applicant: Dr Mary Bourke (1)     |      Host: Trinity College Dublin

Project Title: Investigation of Ireland's coastal platforms: location, type and coastal protection

Project Description: Shore platforms are a significant component of Ireland’s coastal systems and have the potential to buffer coasts from storm wave hazards. This project will map the distribution of shore platforms and conduct a pilot study to investigate the role that platforms have in the effective attenuation of wave energy.




Lead Applicant: Dr Damaris Fernandez     |        Host: Trinity College Dublin

Project Title: u-TOPS: microscale toolbox and protocols for sulphides studies

Project Description: This project addresses the general question of resource efficiency in the minerals sector. It aims at developing a chemical and mineralogical toolbox that will help to translate analytical information from the sub-micron and micron-scale to macro and mega-sized samples. This will be achieved by applying statistical models combined with high-end microscopy and surface science analysis.

Report: please contact research@gsi.ie  for report



Lead Applicant: Mr Derek Reay      |        Host: Geological Survey of Northern Ireland

Project Title: Geochemical anomaly detection: spatial analysis for improved use of geochemical data

Project Description: This project will compare two mathematical methods to detect geochemical anomalies. The first uses singularity theory, based on fractal models of variation. The second uses a robust geostatistical model to identify observations that contrast with background. This will facilitate novel use of Tellus data for mineral exploration and resource assessment.



Lead Applicant: Mr Gavin Duffy       |       Host: Realsim

Project Title: 3D simulation of Ireland 'Ancient East' marine environment

Project Description: RealSim will build an interactive 3d simulation of Irelands 'Ancient East' seabed and adjacent coastline stretching from Carlingford Lough to Waterford Harbour. The simulated environment will be populated with some of the worlds oldest lighthouses and numerous shipwrecks from WW I. The projects intention is to bring awareness to Ireland's rich marine heritage.



Lead Applicant: Mr Ricardo Pasquali  (2)  |      Host: Terra Geoserv

Project Title: Integrated interpretation and modelling of tellus aeromagnetic, gravity, radiometric and multispectral analysis of satellite imagery datasets for exploration and identification of deep geothermal target areas in the midland valley terrane (DeepGeo)

Project Description: The DeepGeo project aims to develop a new holistic deep geothermal model to identify potential targets in the Midlands Terrain using geophysical data. The project will integrate the Tellus Midland datasets with historical mineral exploration data, Bouguer gravity data combined with spectral analysis of satellite imagery from the selected targets.



Lead Applicant: Dr Sara Benetti       |        Host: University of Ulster

Project Title: Past and modern environments of Galway Bay (GB-ENV)

Project Description: A multi-disciplinary investigation into the elements that have shaped Galway Bay since the last glaciation to present day. Sedimentological and geophysical data will be combined to produce geomorphological and stratigraphic maps; sediment cores will provide specific clues on how the sedimentary and oceanic processes have altered the bay over time.



Lead Applicant: Dr Helen Roe         |       Host: Queen's University Belfast

Project Title: Development of integrated protocols for the rapid mapping and assessment of metal contamination in intertidal and supratidal environments

Project Description: This project aims to develop new methodologies to aid in the rapid mapping and assessment of metal contaminants in intertidal and supratidal environments. The study will employ multidisciplinary approaches that will utilise ITRAX-core scanning, intertidal foraminifera, a group of protozoans that are sensitive to metal contamination, and Tellus geochemistry data.



Lead Applicant: Dr Mary Bourke  (2)     |     Host: Trinity College Dublin

Project Title: Innovative approaches to identifying and mapping coastal landslides

Project Description: Landslide data bases are required for the assessment of susceptibility and understanding of risk. Landslide inventories are a time- and resource-intensive activity. This project will explore the use of machine learning algorithms and drone technology to enable a more accurate mapping and inventory-building capability for coastal landslides.



Lead Applicant: Prof Dermot Diamond       |          Host: Dublin City University

Project Title: Mapping the spatial and temporal variations of water quality in Dublin Bay

Project Description: This project aims to generate real-time information on water column variables occurring in Dublin Bay using in-situ sensor measurements. Data generated will be used in tandem with remote (including satellite) sensing data that will ultimately provide the information to inform predictive models on events happening within the water body.
