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GSI Research Strategy 2021

GSI Research Strategy 2021

We are currently revising our Research Roadmap and developing our new strategic plan for the Research Programme in GSI. This includes assessing our role as a research funder, collaborator and partner in geoscience and Earth sciences in Ireland and shaping our future research landscape.

In order to include as many views and opinions as possible, we would very much appreciate feedback from the research community. Comments are anonymous unless you would like to inlude your contact details for a possible follow up conversation to discuss it in more detail.

The survey will take about 10 minutes and comprises four sections:

(1) Profile of stakeholder;
(2) Geological Survey Ireland's Research Roadmap/Strategy;
(3) Geoscience Research Funding Programmes;
(4) General feedback

Link to GSI research strategy survey

(Please note, there will be separate survey for agencies/government offices, the above survey is tailored for researchers)

Many thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback!
