SFI Public Service Fellowship 2023 Programme 

The SFI Public Service Fellowship is an initiative from SFI that offers researchers a unique opportunity to be temporarily seconded to Government Departments and Agencies (Host Organisations) to work on specific projects where they can add value resulting in mutually beneficial outcomes.

Geological Survey Ireland is co-funding the three fellowships listed below:

Topic Area: Geothermal Energy/Planning

Project title: Examining current planning requirements for geothermal energy projects in Ireland

Duration: maximum of 12 months

More information here.

Topic Area: Marine/Social Sciences

Project title: Evaluating the impact of Geological Survey Ireland's coastal change assessment products to Irish society

Duration: maximum of 12 months

More information here.

Topic Area: Geoscience/Education

Project title: Audit of Geoscience inclusion in the Irish Curriculum, both at Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle

Duration: maximum of 6 months

Deadline for applications: 5 October 2023, 1pm Dublin local time

More information here.

Who can apply?

Projects are to be conducted by a STEM researcher or by a researcher in a field of direct relevance to STEM. However, non-STEM researchers can apply to work on projects that relate to STEM innovation, and STEM-relevant policy and challenges. 

Full details on programme eligibility are available in Public Service Fellowship Call Document 2023. In summary, applications will be accepted where the Applicant satisfies the following eligibility criteria: 

  • PhD Qualification:  Applicants must hold a PhD or equivalent qualification at the time of application.  

  • Employment Status:  All applicants must be a permanent member of the academic staff ("Faculty Researcher") of an Eligible Research Body (with a contract at the time of application), or a current contract postdoctoral researcher ("Postdoctoral Researcher") based in an Eligible Research Body at the submission deadline. 

  • Under review: Applicants who are currently under review for other SFI Programmes are not eligible to apply to the SFI Public Service Fellowship.

  • Individuals Holding Existing Fellowship Awards: Specific criteria apply for individuals holding Fellowship awards.

For more information, please refer to the SFI website.

For any project-related queries, please contact SFI at psfellowship@sfi.ie.

SFI-GSI Frontiers for the Future Awards 2020

Medium-large scale projects

GSI will again partner with Science Foundation Ireland for the SFI Frontiers for the Future Programme 2020. This programme will support excellent independent researchers to conduct highly innovative, collaborative research with the potential to deliver impact, whilst also providing opportunities for high-risk, high-reward research projects. 

Two streams are available: Projects and Awards

  • [Frontiers for the Future Projects will provide funding for high-risk, high-reward research that facilitates highly innovative and novel approaches to research. CLOSED]

  • Frontiers for the Future Awards will provide larger scale funding for innovative, collaborative and excellent research programmes that have the potential to deliver economic and societal impact.

[Lead Applicants on SFI Frontiers for the Future Project proposals must submit a proposal to SFI through their host institution Research Office before the deadline of 8 October 2020 at 13:00 Dublin Local Time. CLOSED]

Lead Applicants on SFI Frontiers for the Future Award proposals may submit a proposal to SFI through their host institution Research Office from 1 September 2020. The SFI Frontiers for the Future Awards call will remain open for a minimum of 12 months (i.e. end of August 2021).

To be eligible for the SFI-GSI funding, proposed projects/awards must fit he nominated topics - please make sure you have carefully read the call documents including this topic list.

Applicants are vis the SFI system, for call details and submission information please visit the SFI website.


SFI Frontiers for Partnership awards

SFI have launched a new awards programme specifically targeting Institutes of Technology and Technical Universities as lead hosts and partnering with a university.

This is a new call running in parallel with the SFI Frontiers for the Future Programme Awards rolling call and will include geoscience topics co-funded by GSI.

For more information and application details, please see the SFI website

Deadline: Fixed Deadline: 26th May 2021, 13.00 Dublin local time

Funding available per project: €500,000 - €1,000,000 (direct costs)

Duration: 48 or 60 months


Science Foundation Ireland Frontiers for the Future Programme 2019

SFI, in partnership with GSI, have announced the Frontiers for the Future Programme. Funding will support excellent independent researchers to conduct highly innovative, collaborative research with the potential to deliver impact, whilst also providing opportunities for high-risk, high-reward research projects.

The new programme comprises two streams – Frontiers for the Future Programme Projects and Frontiers for the Future Programme Awards

  • Frontiers for the Future Projects (2, 3 or 4 years; €200k-480k) will provide funding for high-risk, high-reward research that facilitates highly innovative and novel approaches to research.
  • Frontiers for the Future Awards (4 or 5 years; €500k-1M) will provide larger scale funding for innovative, collaborative and excellent research programmes that have the potential to deliver economic and societal impact.

The SFI Frontiers for the Future Programme will replace the SFI Investigators Programme and the SFI Career Development Award Programme.

Pre-proposal deadline is 28 March 2019. Full proposal deadline is 13 August 2019

Further information is available on the SFI funding website


Investigators Programme 2017/2018

Science Foundation Ireland and Geological Survey Ireland co-fund Earth science research under the SFI Investigators programme. This programme is managed by SFI with funding partners from several agencies and government departments.

The programme funds research in third level institute for up to 5 years, and up to €2.5m . Its aims are;

  • To support excellent scientific research that has potential economic and societal impact aligned to Innovation 2020 enterprise themes
  • To build capacity, expertise and relationships that will allow researchers based in Ireland to lead consortia and to win further support through various non-Exchequer funding schemes, such as Horizon 2020
  • To support relevant collaborations and partnerships between academia and industry
  • To maintain Ireland’s top-20 position in international bibliometric rankings through an increase in the number and quality of journal publications
  • To allow Ireland-based researchers to win top-tier international prizes (e.g., the Nobel Prize, the European Science Prize, the Lasker Award, etc.)
  • To facilitate partnerships with other agencies
  • To support researchers returning to active academic research after a prolonged absence through the Investigator Career Advancement (ICA) component of the call

Further details and application information are available on the SFI IvP website.