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SFI-GSI Investigators Programme

SFI-GSI Investigators Programme

Science Foundation Ireland and Geological Survey Ireland co-fund Earth science research under the SFI Investigators programme. This programme is managed by SFI with funding partners from

several agencies and government departments.


The programme funds research in third level institute for up to 5 years, and up to €2.5m . Its aims are;

  • To support excellent scientific research that has potential economic and societal impact aligned to Innovation 2020 enterprise themes
  • To build capacity, expertise and relationships that will allow researchers based in Ireland to lead consortia and to win further support through various non-Exchequer funding schemes, such as Horizon 2020
  • To support relevant collaborations and partnerships between academia and industry
  • To maintain Ireland’s top-20 position in international bibliometric rankings through an increase in the number and quality of journal publications
  • To allow Ireland-based researchers to win top-tier international prizes (e.g., the Nobel Prize, the European Science Prize, the Lasker Award, etc.)
  • To facilitate partnerships with other agencies
  • To support researchers returning to active academic research after a prolonged absence through the Investigator Career Advancement (ICA) component of the call

Further details and application information are availble on the SFI IvP website.