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Geothermica & CETPartnership

New Clean Energy Transition Partnetship Joint Call 2023

The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) is a multilateral and strategic partnership of national and regional research, development and innovation (RDI) programmes in EU/EEA Member States and non-EU/EEA Partner Countries with the aim to substantially support the implementation of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan).

The CETPartnership Joint Call 2023 is the second annual co-funded call under the CETPartnership. To cover different topics and RDI types, the Call is structured into 12 Call Modules, aimed at different energy technologies and/or systems as well as both research and innovation oriented approaches on different Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), complementing and completing each other.

Geological Survey Ireland will fund irish based partners in CETPartnership consortia in Transition Initiative 4: Heating & Cooling - CM2023-07: Geothermal Energy Technologies. The Call Module adresses all geothermal energy-related innovations for heating and cooling, power generation, underground thermal energy storage (UTES), and the co-production of geothermal minerals.

Please make sure you careful read all documentation available through the CETP network – projects must adhere to both CETP and GSI/EPA rules and eligibility criteria.

Maximum budget: €200,000

Maximum duration:  Up to 36 months

*Call Calendar*

Joint Call 2023 Infoday 1 (online): 13 September 2023

Stage 1 pre-proposal submission opening: 20 September 2023

Stage 1 pre-proposal submission deadline: 22 November 2023, 2pm CET

Stage 2 full proposal submission opening: 25 January 2024

Stage 2 full proposal submission deadline: 27 March 2024, 2pm CET

Funding decision communication: June 2024

Project start: September 2024

All information and documentation are available on the CETPartnership website.


Clean Energy Transition Partnership Joint Call 2022
The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) is a multilateral and strategic partnership of national and regional research, development and innovation (RDI) programmes in EU/EEA Member States and non-EU/EEA Partner Countries with the aim to substantially support the implementation of the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan).
CETPartnership builds on existing SET Plan initiatives (ERA-Nets, IWGs, ETIPs, etc.), and aims to create synergies with the National Energy and Climate Plans and with the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). Moreover, the CETPartnership will contribute to reaching the objectives of saving energy, producing clean energy, diversifying Europe's energy supplies, strengthening Europe's clean energy value chains and making them more sustainable, as outlined in the recently launched REPowerEU Plan

Geological Survey Ireland will fund Irish based partners in CETPartnership consortia in Call module 4: Heating & Cooling (TRI4: Efficient zero emission Heating and Cooling Solutions). Please make sure you careful read all documentation available through the CETP network – projects must adhere to both CETP and GSI/EPA rules and eligibility criteria.

*Call Calendar
Open call: 14 September 2022
Pre-proposal submission deadline: ​23 November 2022, 14.00 CET
Decision communicated to applicants and full proposal open call: 20 January 2023
Full-proposal submission deadline: 20 March 2023, 14.00 CET 
Funding decision communicated: June 2023
Latest date for project start: September 2023

All information and documentation are available on the CETPartnership website.

GEOTHERMICA & SES Joint Call, 2021

The Geothermica and JPP Smart Energy Systems ERA Nets 2021  have launched a joint call to foster the integration of existing technology as well as technology development for clean energy. Projects should develop innovative solutions or new concepts for one or more of the following challenges:
Climate-neutral resources for heating and cooling, including subsurface (shallow and deep geothermal, solar thermal, and other sources of renewable heating and cooling) and utilisation of local and regional excess resources.
A resource-efficient and sustainable distribution, storage and utilisation of heating and cooling. This includes short time and seasonal thermal storage options and innovations for heating and cooling networks, and conversion technologies such as heat pumps to distribute the heating and cooling and adjust the temperature level where needed.
Integration of heating and cooling in the local and regional energy systems, including aspects of sector coupling, smart integration and control tools which shall leverage synergies and utilise flexibilities in locally and regionally available energy sources, the local and regional infrastructures, as well as the user and consumer structures from different sectors (including, e. g. communities, industrial facilities, or the transportation system) and related consumption patterns.

SEAI will support all topics within the call, GSI will support geothermal energy related projects. Please carefully read all related documents and terms and conditions - in particular national rules for Ireland.

All applicants must contact NCP in advance of submitting the application to ensure eligibility.

For full information please see the Geothermica website

SEAI and GSI are participating as national funders in this joint 2021 call. Proposals can include requests for funding from SEAI and/or GSI, however individual organisations can only request funding from one or other national funder, as relevant. Please review the guidance within Annex 1 of the Call Test. For any queries please contact the relevant NCP.


GEOTHERMICA Second Call, 2019

The GEOTHERMICA Consortium has announced the launch of an additional joint call on June 3 with a deadline for pre-proposals on September 13, 2019.

The Second Call will build on the success of the previous one and incorporate valuable lessons learnt during the last four years. Moreover, the GEOTHERMICA Consortium will be broadening for the Second Call, with Norway and USA joining, giving GEOTHERMICA now the weight to influence and accelerate the development of geothermal energy globally.

GEOTHERMICA's second call objective is to accelerate the development of geothermal energy globally, by combining the financial resources and know-how of its respective partners, as well as expanding the utilisation of clean and renewable low carbon geothermal energy beyond its traditional markets and regions.

The available budget for the Second Call will be confirmed with the publication of the call text but indicative commitments are close to €20 million in total.

GEOTHERMICA Second Call Timeline:

  • 3 MAY 2019 Pre-announcement of Second Call
  • 3 JUNE 2019 Call text published
  • 13 SEPTEMBER 2019 Deadline for project pre-proposals submission
  • 11 NOVEMBER 2019 Notification to projects that passed
  • 31 JANUARY 2020 Call for full proposal closes
  • 1 JUNE 2020 Tentative date for funding recommendation and announcement of results to Main Applicants
  • 1 SEPTEMBER 2020 Tentative date for national funding decisions and contracts completed. Start of projects 
Details are available on the Geothermica website

Please read carefully the rules and regulations for both (a) Geothermica and (b) the national rules for countries who which you intend to collaborate.

GEOTHERMICA First Call, 2018

GEOTHERMICA's objective is to combine the financial resources and know-how of 16 geothermal energy research and innovation programme owners and managers from 13 countries and their regions. Together with financial support from the European Commission GEOTHERMICA will launch joint projects that demonstrate and validate novel concepts of geothermal energy deployment within the energy system, and that identify paths to commercial large-scale implementation.

Europe aims to increase the share of renewable energy for direct heating and cooling, industrial processes, power generation and energy storage. Geothermal energy today is only utilized in choice market sectors and in few regions. It is an under-utilized widely distributed, clean, low carbon footprint and continuously available energy resource. Thus it is uniquely positioned to substantially contribute to a safe and secure energy supply of Europe's Energy Union.

Please read the documents very carefully
, as the calls are co-funded by more than one country some national rules may apply to international partners that do not apply to Irish partners and vice versa. If you cannot find the answer to your question in the call documents, please contact us at


Further details are available on the Geothermica website. ​