
GEOTHERMICA's objective is to combine the financial resources and know-how of 16 geothermal energy research and innovation programme owners and managers from 13 countries and their regions. Together with financial support from the European Commission GEOTHERMICA will launch joint projects that demonstrate and validate novel concepts of geothermal energy deployment within the energy system, and that identify paths to commercial large-scale implementation.

Europe aims to increase the share of renewable energy for direct heating and cooling, industrial processes, power generation and energy storage. Geothermal energy today is only utilized in choice market sectors and in few regions. It is an under-utilized widely distributed, clean, low carbon footprint and continuously available energy resource. Thus it is uniquely positioned to substantially contribute to a safe and secure energy supply of Europe's Energy Union.

Please read the documents very carefully
, as the calls are co-funded by more than one country some national rules may apply to international partners that do not apply to Irish partners and vice versa. If you cannot find the answer to your question in the call documents, please contact us at


Further details are available on the Geothermica website. ​