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​​​​​​​Geological Survey Ireland provides research funding for geoscientists through a number of mechanisms. 

Funding provided and managed by the Geological Survey/DCCAE includes (i) Short Calls, (ii) Postdoctoral Fellowships, (iii) Equipment Calls, (iv) Masters by Research Calls, and (v) Targeted Projects Calls.

We also partner with external funding agencies in Ireland and in Europe to support Irish based geoscience research. 

​Call Title
​Funded by
​Managed by
​Eligibility (see call documents)
​Scale​Topics Included
​GSI Short Call
GSI​GSI​Research Institutes & industry
​Up to 14 months, up to €30,000
​GSI Postdoc Fellowship
​GSI​GSI​Post PhD researchers
​24 or 36 months, up to €75,000/year
​Specific to annual calls
GSI Equipment Call 
Research Institutes
12 months €5,000-€25,000
​GSI Masters by Research
​Higher Education Institutes
​18 or 24 months, up to €40,000 per year
​GSI Targeted Projects Calls
​​Research Institutes & industry
​up to 24 months
up to €200,000 depending on topic
Fulbright Ireland partnership​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Fulbright-GSI (Outgoing)GSI and FulbrightFulbright IrelandGeoscience researchersTravel & accommodation for 3-10 months​Geoscience
​Fulbright-GSI (Incoming)
​GSI and Fulbright
​Fulbright Ireland
​Geoscience researchers
​Travel & accommodation for 3-10 months
Science Foundation Ireland​ ​(SFI) ​partnership ​ ​ ​
​SFI-GSI Frontiers for the Future Programme
Two streams: Projects and Awards
​SFI (50%) and GSI (50%)
SFI (335), GSI (33%) & other (33%)
​SFI​Mid-Senior career researchers in approved institutes
Projects: ​Up to 48 months, up to €600,000
Awards: Up to 60 months up to €1.5m
​​​Irish Research Council (IRC) Partnership
​IRC-GSI Enterprise Partnership Scheme
​IRC (1/3rd) GSI (2/3rds)
​IRC​Early Career researchers in approved institutes
up to 48 months, up to €28,000/year
​Geoscience - and in line with GSI programme activities
​IRC-GSI Employment Based Programme
​Industry partner (1/3rd) GSI (2/3rd)
​IRC​MSc and doctoral candidates
​12 months, up to €28,000/year
​IRC-GSI Ulysses
​​GSI (100%) 
GSI (33%) & others (33% each)
​Geoscience researchers​
​24 months,
up to €5,000
​​Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) partnership
​EPA-GSI (water, environmental sustainability, climate action)
​EPA (50%), GSI (50%)
​EPA​Researchers in approved institutes
​Small, Medium or Large scale
Specific topics
​ ​Horizon2020 ERA Nets/International partnerships
​Irish partner funded by GSI
​Clean Energy Transition Partnership
​Research institutes and industry researchers
​Up to 36 months, up to €200,000
​Geothermal Energy
​ERA MIn 2&3
Irish partner funded by GSI​​ERA Min 2/3 ERA Net
​Research Institutes and industry researchers
Up to 36 months, funding varies per call
​Raw Materials/ Minerals
​Irish partner funded by GSI​
​Geothermica ERA Net
​​Research institutes and industry researchers
​Up to 36 months, up to €200,000
​​Geothermal Energy
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)​ ​partnership
​SEAI-GSI Research Development and Demonstration Programme
SEAI (50%), GSI (50%)​​SEAI
Research institutes and SME/industry ​​small, medium and large scale projects, 12-36 months
​Geothermal energy



Open Calls

These calls are currently open with submission deadlines within the next 6 months. Calls include those funded directly by Geological Survey and those administered by our funding partners.

Closed Calls

Although some terms and conditions may change, you can find information here about the type of funding recently available from the Geological Survey and our partners.

Projects funded

Geological Survey Ireland have funded and co-funded number of projects since 2015

Policies and Procedures

Policies and procedures in relation to our funding programme can be found here.