

GSI Short Calls Projects are funded by GSI. They are less than 12 months duration and less than €25,000. They are open to academic and non-academic institutes. Further information on Short Calls in general is available in the Research section of the website. The funded projects related to Groundwater are listed below and the funded projects related to Geothermal are listed here.

Geological Survey Ireland, along with 44 other national and regional Geological Survey Organisations from 32 European countries have joined forces to develop an ERA-NET Co-Fund Action towards 'Establishing the European Geological Surveys Research Area to deliver a Geological Service for Europe' called GeoERA.

The main objective of GeoERA is to contribute to the optimal use and management of the subsurface. GeoERA is funding 15 research projects that aim to support a more integrated and efficient management and more responsible and publicly accepted, exploitation and use of the subsurface.

The projects cover the applied geosciences, addressing the following four themes:

  1. Geo-energy. Secure, clean and efficient energy are at the heart of the H2020's Societal Challenge 3, as Europe progresses to make its transition to a reliable, sustainable and competitive energy.
  2. Groundwater. The objective of the groundwater theme is to provide data, information and decision-support tools for the protection, sustainable management and improvement of groundwater resources.
  3. Raw Materials. Mineral Raw Materials underpin societal development and Europe's ambition for economic growth and well-being. The European Commission recognises the importance of Raw Materials.
  4. Information Platform. The geo-energy, groundwater and raw materials themes share the common objective to provide and disseminate spatial information on their respective resources.

The Groundwater and Geothermal Unit is contributing to the HOVER, TACTIC and RESOURCE projects listed below under the Groundwater theme and to MUSE under the Geo-energy theme, which can be accessed here.

GSI Short Calls Projects

12  projects related to Groundwater were funded through the GSI Short Calls. Topics covered included fractured bedrock aquifers, groundwater discharge, contamination, a karst handbook and dataset, sinkhole development, recharge estimation and ancient flood plains.


​The GeoERA HOVER project aims to gain understanding of the controls on groundwater quality across Europe. The project will address groundwater management issues related to drinking water, human and ecosystem health across Europe in relation to pollutants of both geological and human origin.


​The GeoERA TACTIC project aims at developing tools to assess the impact climate change on groundwater and adaptation strategies.


​The GeoERA RESOURCE project aims at demonstrating the potentials of the harmonization of information about Europe's groundwater resources through cross-border demonstrations projects.