The Groundwater 3D project is a multi-annual government funded project focussed on assisting Geological Survey Ireland meet its policy goals set out in the 2015-2018 and 2019-2021 Business Plans.  Greater and relevant scientific understanding and information has been reached by the Groundwater 3D project to date through extensive field based geological surveys and data assessments.  New and updated maps, reports and geodatabases have been prepared.

GW3D project consists of the following assessments:

Groundwater resources assessment

​The regional assessment of potential groundwater resources across 32 catchments, in the east of Ireland. These assessments will develop an initial hydrogeological conceptual model for the catchments and provide a basis for prioritising further investigation into groundwater resources. Progressing on from the aquifer and vulnerability map, the assessments include data on anthropogenic settings, climate change, groundwater and surface water pressures to create a conceptual model of each catchment's potential groundwater resources.


Successful field studies on two principal karst regions have been carried out in North Cork and in the Rathcroghan Uplands of Roscommon. The work provides a greater understanding of the geological and groundwater flow regimes that supply important drinking water supplies in these areas, including private, public and group scheme water supplies.

Groundwater flow paths

A new spatial database has been built that allows an assessment of the variability and pattern of critical groundwater pathways across various rock types.  To support this, an online story map has been set up to enable visual communication and education with geoscientists. 

Sand and gravel aquifers

Field based detailed geological surveys on existing, known, and potential sand and gravel bodies have revealed 'new' sand and gravel bodies and aquifers. Investigation into sands and gravels bodies comprises the mapping and characterisation of sands and gravels as both a water resource and a flow pathway across the entire country.  The investigations have also enabled greater resolution and geoscientific definition of existing sand and gravel aquifers.

Groundwater chemistry

​A national groundwater hydrochemical (geo)database has been prepared, enabling the preparation of a national hydrochemical map series. 

Castlecomer 3D geological model

A joint research project between GSI Groundwater and Geothermal Unit and University College Dublin to produce a 3D geological model of the Castlecomer plateau.