

  1. Morrissey, P. J., Nolan, P., McCormack, T,. Johnston, P,. Naughton, O,. Bhatnagar, S., Gill, L.W., (2021). "Impacts of climate change on groundwater flooding and ecohydrology in lowland karst." Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 25(4): 1923-1941. Download publication.

  2. Morrissey, P. J., McCormack, T,. Naughton, O,. Johnston, P., Gill, L.W., (2020). "Modelling groundwater flooding in a lowland karst catchment." Journal of Hydrology 580: 124361. Access publication.

  3. Bradford, R., McCormack, T., Campanya, J., Naughton, O., (2019) Groundwater Flooding In Ireland: New Methods For Flood Monitoring And Mapping. IAH Irish Group Conference Tullamore, April 2019, Download publication.

  4. Naughton, O., McCormack, T., Bradford, R., McActeer, J. (2018). "Developing historic and predictive groundwater flood maps for Ireland". 19th National IHP/ICID Hydrology Conference, Mullingar, Ireland. Download publication.

  5. McCormack, T., Naughton, O., Bradford, R., McAteer, J., (2018). "Satellite flood mapping: New approaches for monitoring and mapping groundwater flooding in Ireland", 38th Annual Groundwater Conference - International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) Irish Group, Tullamore, Ireland. Download publication.

  6. Naughton, O., McCormack, T., Morrissey, P., Drew, D., Gill, L.W., Johnston, P., Regan, S. (2018). The hydrogeology of the Gort Lowlands. Irish Journal of Earth Sciences Irish Journal of Earth Sciences, 36, pp.1-20. 

  7. Naughton, O. and T. McCormack (2018). Monitoring Groundwater Flooding in Ireland Using Sentinel-1 SAR. NEREUS/ESA/EC "The Ever Growing use of Copernicus across Europe's Regions": p174-175. Download publication.

  8. Naughton, O., McCormack, T., Gill, L.W., Johnston, P.M., (2017). Groundwater flood hazards and mechanisms in lowland karst terrains. In: Parise, M., Gabrovsek, F., Kaufmann, G., Ravbar, N., Advances in Karst Research: Theory, Fieldwork and Applications, Geological Society, London, Special Publications SP466-9. Download publication.

  9. Naughton, O., McCormack, T. and Moorkens, E. (2017) A first record of the Swan Mussel (Anodonta cygnea (L.)) (Mollusca: Bivalvia), from Lough Coy Turlough, Co. Galway. Irish Naturalists' Journal 35: 127-128