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Geoscience for Leaving Certificate Geography CPD Programme Resource Booklet

Geoscience for Leaving Certificate Geography CPD Programme Resource Booklet


​Geological Survey Ireland and iCRAG and proud to announce the launch of the Geoscience for Leaving Certificate Geography CPD Programme Resource Booklet.

The resources were co-created by teachers and the geoscience experts that they were partnered with during the 2021 CPD programme. The resources cover a broad range of curriculum facing geoscience topics, from seismicity to groundwater to geothermal energy and more! They take the form of two module plans, three lesson plans and a fieldwork guide. They are predominantly targeted towards leaving certificate level students, though some are also appropriate for transition year students too.

2021 course participants have said:

"I found it (the course) completely fascinating, not only what I have learned but to gain the opportunity to work with such experienced people and the accomplishment of working on and producing a resource with them. I would certainly love to be involved in some way with similar again, as it was again an excellent experience."

"Thank you so much for everything over the last number of weeks. Was very interesting and I learnt a lot, definitely stuff I will use in my classes moving forward." 

Find it here.
Pictured: The teachers, geoscience experts and facilitators that took part in the 2021 CPD programme