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Place Names and Geology in the Joyce Country and Western Lakes region

Place Names and Geology in the Joyce Country and Western Lakes region


Joyce Country and Western Lakes Geo Enterprise and the Joyce Country and Western Lakes geopark project have launched a booklet on the placenames and geology of the Joyce Country and Western Lakes regions of Galway and Mayo. The booklet was funded by the 2019 Geoheritage Grant from Geological Survey Ireland. 

Entitled "Place Names and Geology in the Joyce Country and Western Lakes region", this bilingual English/Irish booklet follows and adds to the expert works of the late Fiachra McGowan and the late Tim Robinson by focussing on the geological and geomorphological features recorded in place names in Ireland with more specific examples from the region. It also provides tools to research your local geology all over Ireland with a glossary of frequent terms used.

The region has fascinating examples of links like between the geology and the placenames, such as in Cloghbrack (an Chloch Bhreac – the speckled rock) or Aill Dubh (Black Cliff) which directly link with the colour of their local bedrock. Places like Ballintubber (Baile an Tobar – the townland of the well) tell us about our karst landscape in limestone and others like Clogher (an Clochar – the rocky place) remind us of the ice-sheets that left stones in our soil.

The booklet is available for download in English or Irish.