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The Geological Heritage of County Galway

The Geological Heritage of County Galway


​The audit of County Geological Sites of County Galway was completed in 2019. The audit was carried out by Robert Meehan, Vincent Gallagher, Ronan Hennessy, Matthew Parkes, and Sarah Gatley. The Galway Geological Heritage Project was supported by Geological Survey Ireland, Galway County Council and The Heritage Council. The resulting report is a contribution to the County Galway Heritage and Biodiversity Plan 2017-2022.

Main Report

Individual Site Reports


Recommended citation:

Meehan, R., Gallagher, V., Hennessy, R., Parkes, M. & Gatley, S. 2019. The Geological Heritage of County Galway. An Audit of County Geological Sites in County Galway. Geological Survey Ireland. Unpublished Report.