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The Geological Heritage of County Cork

The Geological Heritage of County Cork


The audit of County Geological Sites in Co Cork was completed in 2023. The audit was carried out by Ronan Hennessy, Robert Meehan, Vincent Gallagher and Clare Glanville. The Cork Geological Heritage Project was supported by the Heritage Council, the Geological Survey of Ireland, and Cork County Council. The resulting report was an action of the County Cork Heritage Plan 2005-2010 and a contribution to County Cork Development Plan 2022-2028 and the County Cork Biodiversity Plan 2009-2014.

Main Report

The Geological Heritage of County Cork

Individual Site Reports

Ballingeary Esker

Ballinglanna Cove

Ballinatona, Meelin Spring

Ballintra West

Ballybeg Quarry

Ballyclogh Quarry


Ballycotton Bay

Ballycroneen Bay

Ballycrovane Harbour

Ballycummisk Mine

Ballydonegan Strand

Ballygarvan Quarry

Ballygiblin Quarry



Baltimore Beacon

Bantry Drumlins

Barley Cove

Barley Lake

Benduff Slate Quarry

Bere Island

Black Ball Head Diatreme

Black Ball Head Trachyte


Brow Head Mine

Bweeng Quarry

Caminches Mine

Cape Clear



Castlepook Cave

Church Bay

Cloyne Cave

Cod's Head

Coom Mine

Coomhola River

Cork-Mallow Road Cut

Courtmacsherry Estuary

Crookhaven Mine


Dhurode Mine

Dooneen Mine

Dower Spring

Dunmanus Bay

Foley Cave

Galley Head

Glandore Mine

Glengarriff Harbour

Glengarriff to Adrigole R572 Road

Gortavallig Mine


Haulbowline and Rocky Islands

Howe's Strand

Kealoge Mine (North)

Kealoge Mine (South)

Killumney Moraine

Knockadoon Head

Lady's Well, Mallow

Lady's Well Mine

Laharran Quarry

Lough Hyne

Macroom (Hartnett's Cross)

Madranna Slate Quarry

Midleton Distillery

Mount Gabriel

Mountain Mine


Old Head of Kinsale

Owentaraglin River

Pass of Keimaneigh

Ram's Head to Weaver's Point

Rathmore Esker

Reenydonagan Point

Relane Point

Ringabella Bay


Rock Farm Quarries


Shot Head

Simon's Cove

Subulter Quarry

The Gearagh

Toe Head

Trinity Well

Whiddy Island

White Bay

Youghal Bay

Youghal Lighthouse



County Cork


Recommended citation:

Hennessy, R., Meehan, R., Gallagher, V., Glanville, C., 2023. The Geological Heritage of County Cork. An audit of County Geological Sites in County Cork. Geological Survey Ireland. Unpublished Report.