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Green Metals: Demand Arising from Decarbonisation of Energy and Transport Sectors

Green Metals: Demand Arising from Decarbonisation of Energy and Transport Sectors


This report details research which supports a key Implementation Action (C4.ii) from the Government’s Minerals Policy Statement: “The Department will undertake research to better understand the life cycle of minerals developed in Ireland (cradle to recycling) and to better understand the demand for different minerals in Ireland (including Critical Raw Materials), the EU and globally as we transition towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.”

This research was commissioned by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications and was compiled by Geological Survey Ireland in discussion with the Geoscience Policy Division.

You can download the report HERE

For more information on Minerals policy in Ireland from Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, see's information page HERE.

Report cover image: Lisheen mine and wind farm, Lisheen, Co Tipperary, Ireland.
Image courtesy of Geoscience Ireland.