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Bedrock Geology of Ireland Map Scale 1 to 1 Million

Bedrock Geology of Ireland Map Scale 1 to 1 Million


​This map shows the bedrock geology of the island of Ireland, both onshore and offshore, at a scale of 1 to 1 million. It is published Geological Survey Ireland (GSI) and the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI).

The onshore geology presents the bedrock data from the OneGeology-Europe map project coloured to an Irish lithostratigraphical scheme. It is derived from the GSI 1:500,000 Bedrock Geological map of Ireland and 1:100,000 Bedrock Map Series and the GSNI 1:250,000 Geological Map of Northern Ireland. 

The offshore data are derived from the EMODnet project map compiled by GSI from Petroleum Affairs Division and INFOMAR  mapping and other published sources.

The map is intended primarily as a teaching resource.

Download map, English version (PDF)

Download map, Irish version (PDF)

The map is also available to purchase from our online shop, double sided English version/Irish version.