Why We Map

Why We Map

Shipping and navigation. Bathymetric data is vital for producing navigation products such as nautical charts. We send all of our data to the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) who produce Ireland’s admiralty charts. These charts guide mariners, ensuring safe maritime transportation. 
Energy (wave, wind and tide). Our data is used to find suitable sites for wind, wave and tidal generators. It is also used to select cable and pipeline routes. 
Fishing Sector. Our data is incorporated into some fishing navigation systems such as Olex and Sodena. This helps improve fishing efficiency. Useful to reduce gear loss and enable improved confidence in water depth for gear deployment. Reduce fuel consumption with ability to better select sites for gear deployment based on clearly defined seabed types. 
Aquaculture. The data helps support decision makers such as fisheries managers, licensing authorities and those carrying out environmental impact assessments. Data feeds into aquaculture modelling for site selection. 
Tourism & Marine Leisure. Participation of vessels in outreach; the Tall Ships in Waterford & Dublin, Volvo Ocean Race events, Cork port open day & other maritime festivals. Our Dive App shows Ireland’s Dive sites. Products such as Shipwreck Information Sheets, 3D Maps, Real Maps, Story Maps, Charts and Google kmzs.
Heritage. We provide updates to the national shipwrecks database maintained by National Monuments Service and used by sport fishermen and divers.
Oil and gas exploration. Use of data in pre-drilling site evaluations for Oil & Gas Companies. Useful for Strategic Environmental Assessment. 
Research. INFOMAR Applied Research Programme, Partnering on SME and campus company developments, Use of data in non-INFOMAR funded research internationally.
Policy. Accurate bathymetry data is the foundation for much of ocean science and policy. A national asset that has provided Ireland with a data set to underpin present and future economic, environmental, infrastructural, social and policy issues. Our data is a key enabler of national marine policy, European Directive requirements & EU and international legislation such as the EC Habitats Directive, Water Framework Directive & EU Marine Strategy Framework.