Where We Work

GSI Activity Map 2021

Each year Geological Survey Ireland publish a map to highlight where are programmes will be carrying out work called the Activity Map. This shows all of the activities planned to take place during the year for all of our programmes. It shows the specific areas, both onshore and offshore, in which surveying, research and reporting are due to take place. Click on the link below to download the 2023 Map in PDF format:


The relevant programmes pages (Programme name-Project name) are listed below for further information about specific projects or mapping areas of interest.

ProgrammeProject (redirect to dedicated page)
Groundwater & GeothermalGeoERA projects
​Groundwater & Geothermal​Catchment Care
​Groundwater & Geothermal​Groundwater Monitoring Sites
​Geological MappingBedrock Mapping​
​Geological MappingQuaternary Mapping
​Geological Mapping​Landslide Project with NPWS
GeoheritageCounty Audits (Limerick & Cork)
​Geoheritage​UNESCO Global Geoparks
​GeoheritageJoyce Country and Western Lakes Geopark
​MineralsMinerals Prospectivity Mapping
​MineralsHistoric Mine Site​s (Mintell4EU)
​TellusAirborne Geophysical Survey​ (A8 and A9)
​TellusGround Geochemistry Survey (G7, G8, G9)
​Marine and Coastal UnitINFOMAR Survey Areas
​Marine and Coastal UnitCHERISH Project Areas