

​Understanding Earth Processes book​A teachers' resource produced by Geological Survey Ireland to better understand earth processes, rocks and the geology of Ireland​Geological Survey IrelandDownload book
​Bedrock map of Ireland 1:100,000 ​This bedrock map of Ireland is at a scale of 1:100,000, simplified for teaching purposes with legend, accompanying the book "Understanding Earth Processes".​Geological Survey IrelandDownload map
​Bedrock map of Ireland 1:1000,000 (1:1M)​This map shows the bedrock geology of the island of Ireland, both onshore and offshore, at a scale of 1 to 1 million. The map is intended primarily as a teaching resource​Geological Survey Ireland, Geological Survey Northern Ireland

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​Geoschol County Geology Sheets​This is a series of online publications produced by Geoschol to introduce the geology of Ireland in each county in a very accessible way. Please note that you will be redirected to the Publications page and the page might take a few seconds to display results​Geoschol

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Geoschol Website

Rock by Rock: The Story of the Nafooey Valley/ Cloch le Cloch: An scéal an Ghleanna na FuaicheAnimated video showing the geological evolution of the Lough Nafooey valley, Co Galway, over the last 500 million yearsJoyce Country & Western Lakes Geopark Project, Geological Survey IrelandEnglish and Irish
​Ireland's Fossil Heritage​Project to increase awareness of, and interest in, Irish fossils by offering a diverse range of free resources to the public, including school workshops, a travelling exhibit, science and art collaborations and lots of interactive web content for all ages and backgrounds​University College Cork (UCC), Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), Geological Survey Ireland, iCRAG, Tools of the Trade, Burren and Cliffs of Moher UNESCO Global Geopark, Glucksman Gallery, Palaeogroup UCC Website

Ice Ages/ Quaternary
Shaping the LandscapeLesson plan focused at 2nd level geography and earth science students and future undergraduatesIrish Quaternary Association (IQUA), The Heritage Council, Geological Survey Ireland, Geological Survey Northern IrelandResource
Joyce Country Under the Ice/ Dúiche Sheoigheach faoin OighearAnimated video describing how the Ice Age shaped the mountains and lowlands of the Joyce Country & Western Lakes geopark project regionJoyce Country & Western Lakes Geopark Project, Geological Survey IrelandEnglish and Irish