| Cover
| Abstract
| Price
The Wild Plants of Bere, Dursey, Whiddy and other Islands in Bantry Bay
| The Wild Plants of Bere, Dursey, Whiddy and other Islands in Bantry Bay puts on record the variety of wild plants found in Ireland's most famous natural harbour. This part of West Cork is famed for its dramatic scenery, mild climate and sub-tropical gardens, and both land and sea are richly steeped in history. Plants, people and landscape have shaped one another, and this book examines the history, geography, geology, vegetation and land use of this beautiful corner of Ireland, as well as presenting an annotated catalogue or Flora of its wild plants.
| €20
| 978-1-870492-48-5
Dublin Bay

| On the fringe of Dublin's hive of human activity, a miraculous coastal ecosystem carries on as it has done since the last Ice Age. Beaches, saltmarshes, rocky shores, cliffs, islands and offshore sandbanks all support millions of tiny creatures and thousands of migratory birds from as far afield as Arctic Canada and tropical Africa. Nature is intimately linked with the people whose lives unfold around it, and over a million people have direct access to Dublin Bay. We need to understand how we are affecting its ecosystem, from the disturbance of birds to dredging of shipping channels and the longer-term implications of climate change. Weaving the kindred strands of history and nature, the authors tell the fascinating story of the bay. The development of the port city has been mirrored by major changes in the coastal environment. Learn how the creation of Dublin Port caused the formation of Bull Island, or how the cockles and mussels immortalised in Molly Malone caused typhoid fever throughout the city. The human and natural components of the bay have learned to coexist and, in some cases, even to depend on each other. The bay has stretched its arms widely to embrace countless generations of Dubliners: it is a life support system, an economic asset and an invaluable recreational resource. This new look at a familiar seascape authoritatively explains its importance to the past, present and future of our city and country.
| €25
| 978-1-84889-329-0
On the Waters Edge DVD
| A short film on DVD featuring marine life, plants and birds found along our coastline. Presented by Audrey Murphy and produced by Sherkin Island Marine Station, it aims to provide a small insight into life on the water's edge.
| €12
| |
Fossils Colouring and Guide Book
| This colouring book and guide features 27 fossils that were found mainly in Ireland. You will learn their scientific, common and Irish names, and something about where they lived.
| €1.95
| 1-870492-87-0
Sea Life Colouring and Guide Book
| Produced by the Sherkin Island Marine Section this colouring book will aid children in becoming familiar with life below the waves. Each picture has a colouring guide, a Latin, English and Irish name and some interesting facts about the particular organism.
| €1.95
| 1-870492-62-5
Butterflies & Moths Colouring and Guide Book
| This colouring book includes a few of the more popular butterflies and moths that can be found in Ireland throughout the year. Also included are the English, Latin and Irish names where possible.
| €1.95
| 1 870492 92 7
Creepy Crawlies Colouring and Guide Book
| This colouring book includes a few of the more common creepy crawlies that can be found in Ireland throughout the year. Colouring each one and reading the short descriptions will help you identify some of the more common species. The introduction to this book will also help you understand more of these interesting creatures. We include the English, Latin (scientific name) and Irish name where possible.
| €1.95
| 9781870492188
Birds Colouring and Guide Book
| This book will give you a chance to colour, identify and learn about each bird; learn their names in English, Irish and Latin and where each bird can be found.
| €1.95
| 1 870492 67 6
Wild Flowers Colouring and Guide Book
| This colouring book and guide features a selection of flowers that are commonly found around Ireland. Also included are their English, Irish and Latin names as well as a little information on each of the flowers.
| €1.95
| 1-870492-27-7
Grainne Gull Visits the Seashore
| Gráinne Gull Visits the Seashore is a Nature and Activity Book for children. With it, you can join Gráinne Gull as she visits the seashore, and meet some of her friends along the way. Help Gráinne unravel the puzzles that will reveal details about life on the seashore.
| €3.95
| 978-1-870492-78-2
Introducing Meteorology
| In many parts of the world the weather forms a daily topic of conversation, In others it hardly changes from one week to the next. However, human life is governed by the weather which affects much of our activity, from farming to fishing and from shopping to holiday-making. Introducing Meteorology has been written to provide a succinct overview of the science of the weather for students and for interested amateurs wanting a topical guide to this complex science. The initial chapters describe the development of the science, the atmosphere and the forces which govern the weather. The author then discusses weather influences at global and local scales before describing the science of weather forecasting. Copiously illustrated, this book is intended for those whose interest in meteorology has been stimulated, perhaps by media coverage of dramatic weather events, and who want to know more. Technical terms are kept to a minimum and are explained in a glossary.
| €14.00
| 978-1-78046-002-4
Introducing Oceanography
| Introducing Oceanography has been written by two leading oceanographers to provide a succinct overview of the science of the study of the seas for students and for the interested adult wanting a topical guide to this enormous and complex subject. The initial chapters describe the oceans and the forces at work within them. The authors then discuss the effects of light, the chemistry of the seas and the food web before surveying biological oceanography in the main oceanic regions. The final chapter looks at the methodology of ocean study. Copiously illustrated, this book is intended for those whose interest in oceanography has been stimulated, perhaps by media coverage of declining resources or climate change and who want to know more. Technical terms are kept to a minimum and are explained in a glossary. David N. Thomas and David C. Bowers are colleagues at the School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University, Wales, although Professor David N. Thomas currently spends much of his time working at the Marine Centre of the Finnish Environment Institute in Helsinki.
| 9781780460017
Introducing Astronomy
| We live on a small planet that revolves round an unexceptional star - the Sun - which is one of the hundred billion stars that populate our galaxy. Of the many billions of galaxies that lie within range of our most powerful telescopes, some are so remote that their light has taken more than 13 billion years to reach us. Iain Nicolson takes the reader on a journey from planet Earth to the boundaries of the observable Universe. He explains the nature of stars, planets and galaxies, what makes them shine and how they are born, evolve and eventually die. He explores the origin of the Universe as a whole and considers whether life may exist on other worlds. Copiously illustrated, this book is intended for anyone who is looking for straightforward explanations of what astronomy is all about. It will also serve as an invaluable primer for those who are considering studying the subject more formally.
| €15.00
| 9781780460253
Introducing The Planets and their Moons
| The solar system, of which Earth is but a small part, is an amazing collection of bodies, ranging in size from the Sun, through the giant planet Jupiter, to specks of dust left over from the primordial nebula from which the system emerged. Excluding the Sun, the eight major planets, together with several dwarf planets and at least 160 orbiting natural satellites, form the main mass of the system These are made from an amalgam of silicate, metal, ice and gas. Peter Cattermole describes the characteristics and geological development of the eight large planetary bodies and their more substantial moons. This includes discussion of their orbital properties, magnetic fields, atmospheres and mutual interactions. Rather than deal with the system planet by planet, his approach is comparative. Thus one chapter deals with planetary orbits, another with planetary differentiation and a third with volcanism. This enables the reader to perceive immediately how their position and size led these bodies along different evolutionary paths. The book is copiously illustrated with some of the finest images available, lacks technical equations and terms, and includes a useful glossary for reference. By using this format, it follows other titles in the same series.
| €15.00
| 9781780460291
Introducing Sea-level Change
| One of the most important issues in current debates on climate change is sea level rise. Hardly a day goes by when there is not a newspaper article, TV or radio presentation on the topic. Nearly half of the world’s population live on or near the coast, so there is real concern about the impact that future sea level rise may have. Yet media predictions of future changes tend to be depicted in a sensationalist manner and quite often the explanations of the science of sea level change bear little relation to reality. This book details the history of scientific discoveries that have explained the patterns of sea level change that have taken place across the Earth in the past. Alastair Dawson introduces the many complex processes, some of which are not well-known, that influence patterns and rates of relative sea level change. Using this knowledge, the reader is much better placed to form a clearer perspective on what the future is likely to have in store for sea levels on Earth.Alastair Dawson first addresses some of the most important misconceptions about the topic of sea level change. He then explains the principal causes of sea level change focusing on the key issues of vertical land movements and changes in global ocean volume. He explores the key areas of science that we need to understand in order to evaluate competing assertions of how sea level is likely to change in the future. He also shows how, remarkably, the melting history of the last great ice sheets on Earth is still playing an important part in contributing to present patterns of sea level change. The book concludes with a consideration of the rates and patterns of sea level change that have occurred over the last century and demonstrates how satellite technology is presently contributing new ways of understanding of present patterns of change.
| 978-1-780460-87-1
Ireland's Seashore A Field Guide
| Ireland’s seashores are famous for their spectacular beauty, ranging from exposed rocky headlands that receive the full power of the Atlantic to enclosed sea loughs and sheltered mudflats. Our northern latitude means that some Arctic species find a home here, but the warm currents that flow up from the Gulf of Mexico also make Irish shores habitable for species found in southern Europe, the Canaries and the Mediterranean. Providing habitats like no other, our coasts are teeming with plant and animal life. Whether you visit on a sunny summer day or for a wild walk in winter, there is always something interesting to see, either living on the shore or washed up from the sea. Beginning with clear background information on types of shore, tides, waves, coastal habitats and conservation, this highly accessible guide has everything you need to understand the wildlife on our coastline. A helpful identification guide uses simple questions (e.g. ‘Does it have a shell?’) to guide you to the correct section (e.g. ‘Snails, mussels and their relatives’), where you will find an introduction to the species, followed by detailed entries on the most common shoreline inhabitants: Irish and Latin names, size, distribution and memorable nuggets of information (did you know banded wedge shells can leap if disturbed?). Written by qualified marine biologists with a passion for their subject, this is the ideal companion on any seashore ramble, whether you are a beginner or an experienced naturalist.
| 978-1-84889-341-2
Dictionary of Oceanography
| The Illustrated Dictionary of Oceanography Contributors: Jill Bailey, Maureen Bailey & Malcolm Tucker
| €1.50
| 1-85471-650-6
Dictionary of Inventors & Inventions
| The Illustrated Dictionary of Inventors & Inventions
| €1.50
| 1-85471-647-6
Dictionary of Machines
| The Illustrated Dictionary of Machines Contributors: Michael Pollard & Merilyn Holme
| €1.50
| 1-85471-651-4
Ireland's Wild Flowers
| A Beginner's Guide to Ireland's Wild Flowers Have you ever wanted to put a name to the wild flowers you see about you every day, or while on a walk, or on holiday? With the help of this pocket-sized guide, you will be able to do just that. Beginners of all ages will be introduced to the many common wild flowers found around Ireland. The guide includes: • colour photographs of 162 wild flowers • their common, scientific and Irish names • clear and simple descriptions, including colour, size and habitat • an introduction to each wild flower family, highlighting important features • information on the different types of plant habitats. | €7.50
| 978-1-870492-23-2
Ireland's Seashore
| The guide contains colour photographs of 125 animals and plants; their Common, Scientific and Irish names; clear and simple descriptions, including colour, size, habitat and location on the shore. It has an introduction to each of the main groups of animals and plants on the seashore, with illustrations, highlighting important features. It also introduces the various types of shore and their different environments, helping you to understand why certain animals and plants live there.
| 1 87049296-X
Dictionary of Space
| The Illustrarted Dictionary of Space Contributors
| 1-85471-654-9
The Natural History of Sherkin Island West Cork
| Perhaps you haven’t been to Sherkin Island before, or maybe you’re coming back again, as many people do. This book will introduce you to some of the wonderful wildlife and flowers on this beautiful and peaceful island, which lies just 10 minutes by ferry across the busy little harbour of Baltimore, West Cork. We hope the island’s natural history brings you as much pleasure as it brings us.
| 1-870492-38-6
| Fourteen specially generated maps indicating key sites - over 350 full colour photographs - a unique documentary and DVD-rom database - all of which will make your visit to one of Ireland's most beautiful regions, an enjoyabe and memorable experience.
| €15.00
| 0-33-708747-4
Dissenting Spirit
| Before he was thirty, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, Thomas Weaver was an accomplished engineer and geologist who was successfully managing Avoca’s main copper mine and had brought order to the nearby gold workings. An engaging personality, Weaver would partake as enthusiastically in a local ploughing contest as in a scholarly debate in London. His story sheds light on industrial and social conditions in pre-Famine Ireland and elsewhere. He was active at a time when geology was coming of age as a scientific discipline. Science has been described as a journey without destination, where theories are constantly challenged and remain valid only until they are undermined by new evidence. Yet, as the current climate change debate shows, there can be an alarming intolerance for the very dissent that should be critical to validating its conclusions. This proved to be the case in Weaver’s lifetime as he took issue with emerging mindsets and was eventually marginalised as a result. This book will appeal to anyone interested in the science and industry of the early nineteenth century, as well as for students of the philosophy and history of science.
| €19.99
| 9780995792746
The Irish Landscape
| W. B. Yeats once said that it was his ambition that we would regard our local landscape as exciting. He was, of course, talking about the quartzite mountain, the limestone-floored lake or the sandstone ridge. But he meant much more than that. Is a warm hillside in summer the same as when it suffers a dark wintry storm? Surely our perceptions are shaped as much by our emotional response as by a hill’s physical make up. The geologist may have mastery of the rock, but it is the poet who opens our minds to a more inclusive understanding. In this fascinating study, geologist Peadar McArdle shows how Patrick Kavanagh creates the link between Monaghan’s steep drumlins and the harsh parsimony of its people. The warm nostalgia of Oliver Goldsmith’s Auburn may find its origins in the Midland’s rich farmland. Bogs were for long considered the domain of the backward, but now, thanks partly to Seamus Heaney’s enriching insights, their image has been transformed to that of a cherished habitat. Louis MacNeice thought that Belfast’s dour basalt reflected the character of that city’s Protestants and, further south, W.B. Yeats considered that his childhood limestone influenced the simple charms of its inhabitants. This captivating, county-by-county exploration will deepen and enhance our appreciation of Ireland’s remarkable landscape and the impact it has had on Irish history and culture.
| €20.00
| 978908308696