

Minerals Information

The Minerals programme in GSI provides many different sources of information to the public and stakeholders regarding minerals in Ireland. This includes data and maps on mineral exploration, minerals localities and aggregate potential. The Minerals programme also provides information on Ireland's historic mine sites, including mine records and maps. The information is accessible through the GOLDMINE system.


The Minerals programme represents Ireland at an international level on matters relating to raw materials.


The Minerals programme frequently provides presentations to the public and stakeholders. These include TV appearences, Radio Interviews, leading field trips to Irish locations and providing talks for professional bodies.

Minerals Exploration Methods

The Minerals Programme offers information about Mineral Exploration in Ireland. Here you'll find an artile on the hwole process ads well as links to specific articles on each step of mineral exploration.

Mineral Exploration in Ireland FAQs

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions surrounding mineral exploration in Ireland. These are suitable for members of the public who are curious about the processes involved, or with concerns about the potential of mineral exploration in their local area, and how this may affect them.

Core Store

​The core store is regularly updated. To access the catalogue or organise a visit, please see details below.