GSI Short Calls Projects

GSI Short Calls Projects

Below is the list of Information and Data Management related funded projects as part of the GSI Short Call​s.


Lead Applicant: Dr Max Kozachenko, Host: Geocoast

Project Title: Development of a coastal infrastructure GIS (open source)

Project Description: This project will develop a coastal infrastructure GIS for Ireland using open source Map Server technology. GIS data and metadata will be collated, standardised and quality checked. New mapping will be performed to fill the gaps and will be based on interpretation of available aerial photographs and field visits. Report


Lead Applicant: Mr Gearoid O'Riain, Host: Compass Infomatics

Project Title: Development of a coastal infrastructure web GIS with remote sensing focus

Project Description: The project will deliver an open-source WebGIS that will reuse existing tools in use in Compass Informatics and in geoscience organisations. This will be populated with coastal infrastructure data and remote sensing imagery including Sentinel data, along with selected imagery analysis data products. Report


Lead Applicant: Dr Laia Comas Bru, Host:  University College Dublin 

Project Title: Developing a toolkit for model evaluation using speleothem isotope data

Project Description: Speleothems (cave carbonates) provide highly resolved records with the potential to reconstruct
past changes in mean regional climate and climate variability on annual to millennial timescales.
Some climate models now explicitly include isotopic tracers, and thus the isotopic records from speleothems can be used directly for model evaluation. There are 500+ published speleothem records covering part or all of the last 21,000 years and beyond. However, only 7 speleothems are included in the standard Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP) benchmark dataset. To address this issue, the applicant recently obtained sponsorship from PAGES (Past Global Changes) to create a Working Group, the objective of which is to synthesize the 500+ speleothem records available globally and to develop a public-access database that will feed the next round of CMIP6-PMIP4 simulations and eventually the next IPCC report. Such a database (the first for speleothems) can also be used to refine our understanding of regional changes in climate forcings
through time, which is crucial in model evaluation. One of the applicant's interests is to use this dataset to assess if speleothem records can improve model performance through data-assimilation techniques with a view to submitting further grant proposals to support her future work. Report


Lead Applicant: Dr Paul Quigley, Host: Gavin and Doherty Geosolutions Ltd

Project Title: Development of a Toolkit to Manage AGS Data for Geotechnical Usage (TAGS)

Project Description: The Association of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Specialists has specified the AGS data format
to ensure the reliable transfer of site investigation data between industry organisations. The aim of the AGS data format is to ensure data compatibility between various hardware or operating systems employed by organisations who wish to transfer ground investigation data, laboratory test results, as well as monitoring data. Despite these efforts, there appear to be compatibility issues arising from the use of AGS data within the geotechnical and geoenvironmental sector in Ireland. The
Geological Survey of Ireland has identified compatibility issues associated with the use of AGS data when uploading site investigation data to the National Geotechnical Borehole Database. In addition, geotechnical design consultancies have encountered various problems when using AGS data in conjunction with geotechnical management and drafting software. The TAGS project will conduct a desk study to evaluate the incompatibility issues associated with AGS data and to explore a variety
of solutions. In addition, a preliminary toolkit will be developed to process AGS data for use with existing software and the online National Geotechnical Borehole Database. Options for increasing the use of AGS data in Ireland will be explored.