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Mineral Prospectivity Mapping (MPM)

Mineral Prospectivity Mapping (MPM)

Geological Survey Ireland is undertaking a Mineral Prospectivity Mapping initiative to improve knowledge of the occurrence of Ireland’s economically important metals, such as Pb and Zn, as well as assessing the potential for critical and industrial minerals.  The 2 year project (2020-2021) will produce regional, system-based mineral prospectivity assessments using the latest concepts of mineral deposit formation, relevant geological data, and state-of-the-art modelling and analysis techniques. Initial focus is on relatively under-explored areas of the northwest midlands, with initial data compilation tasks focusing on the collation of existing industry prospecting data, Tellus mapping and bedrock mapping. This project aims to de-risk prospecting activity by highlighting potentially prospective areas, and will not involve prospecting activity in the field.  ​

View existing research projects on mineral prospectivity.