GSI Short Call

The Short Call is designed to support applied, basic or 'blue skies' projects. Examples include:

  • Seed projects towards development of larger scale projects
  • Student bursaries or scholarships (e.g. summer students, MSc.)
  • Development of prototypes/software
  • Development of methodologies/toolkits
  • Demonstration projects
  • Development and publication of products (e.g. open databases, map products, books etc.)

Maximum funding
€25,000 including indirect costs

Maximum 12 months

By email – Applicants must use the application form provided - please see note below.

The call is open to researchers in any company, advisory group, charity or Higher Education Institute based in the Republic of Ireland

Please read the call documents carefully.
    GSI Short Calls Terms and Conditions 2017
    GSI Geoscience Research Short Calls FAQ 2017
    GSI Short Calls Application Form 2017 (Word Document with embedded Excel spread sheet for budget calculation)

Should you encounter any difficulty with the Word document, please be aware that it is available from research offices or email  

If you would like more information about the programme or projects funded in 2015 please go to

  • Geological Survey’s Research Roadmap
  • Short Call projects funded in 2015