


​​Fossils Invertebrates

​Unravel and interpret our rich fossil records with Fossil Invertebrates, a marvellously detailed and accessible resource. Fossil Invertebrates is a window into the ancient Earth when the seas teemed with ammonites, corals, sponges, molluscs, crinoids and trilobites. The sheer abundance of their fossils reflects the fact that many invertebrates, with solid, decay-resistant shells, were perfectly designed to become fossils. Many of these fossilised creatures have close relatives alive today, and the book demonstrates how the fossil record can shed light on today's fauna. When searching at almost any fossil site, a collector is more likely to come across an invertebrate fossil than any other kind. This book, the only one of its kind on the subject of invertebrate fossils, is suitable for both academic and general readership, and covers all major groups of fossil invertebrates, providing illustrated descriptions of selected genera.
​​Beneath Our Feet Caves and Limestone scenery of the North of Ireland

​​The Cave and Limestone Scenery of the North of Ireland.

​​Scottish Fossils

​Scotland boasts some of the most famous fossil localities in the world, and for a small country, has a remarkable fossil record with almost every period of geological time represented by Scottish localities. These localities provide snapshots of the plants and animals that have inhabited Scotland through deep time. They range from the superb fossil fish of Caithness and Angus that inspired early palaeontologists such as Hugh Miller, almost two centuries ago during the birth of the science, to modern discoveries such as dinosaurs of the Isle of Skye, and ancient amphibians and scorpions from central Scotland. Nigel Trewin provides a virtual museum of more than 100 of the most scientifically important, interesting, and, at times, controversial fossils for which Scotland is well known. Many of the specimens involve interesting stories about their famous finders and their theories on geological time. Specimens have also been chosen to present a wide range of fossil plants and animals. The examples included in this book are chosen both from public museums and from private collections, brought together in a celebration of Scottish fossils. Many of the specimens illustrated are exceptionally rare, even unique, and are normally hidden from public view. Other examples include more common fossils that any collector may hold a reasonable expectation of finding. Fossil fish may be picked up at Achanarras Quarry in Caithness, ammonites and belemnites are found on Skye and at Helmsdale, while brachiopods and crinoids are common on Bishop Hill in Kinross. This book will appeal to all with an interest in fossils and the history of life on Earth.
​​Fossils Alive

​Travel back millions of years in time to join wildlife safaris and visit, as though a time-traveller, ancient environments teeming with life. As the fossils come alive experience and understand the fauna, flora and landscapes to be seen at ten localities in the geological past of Scotland. You will catch fish in a Devonian lake 380 million years ago in Caithness; escape a great tsunami at Helmsdale following a Jurassic earthquake and then explore the Carboniferous forests, rivers and volcanoes of Edinburgh. On the Isle of Skye you wander a Jurassic shoreline and see a dinosaur dine. You will observe the nuptial dance of ammonites from a submersible. Pick your way around ancient hot-spring pools and geysers in Aberdeenshire and admire some of the first plants and animals to inhabit the land. The ten areas visited in this book represent some of the most famous fossiliferous locations in Scotland. These imaginative stories are accompanied by pictures of fossils and of the places as they are seen today with the author’s careful reconstructive drawings of these ancient environments. The safaris are presented as stories but they are firmly based on published scientific evidence relating to the fossils and rocks of Scotland. The author’s intention is that this book will not only inform the reader about the ancient environments of Scotland, but also entertain and encourage further speculation. The book will appeal to all students, academics and amateurs interested in fossils, ecology, and the ancient environments that have prevailed at different times in the past on our planet. Nigel Trewin is a Professor of Geology at the University of Aberdeen. His research has focussed on ancient environments and ecosystems, particularly the Devonian Old Red Sandstone of Scotland, including the prolific fossil fish beds, and the early terrestrial biota of the Rhynie chert. He edited the comprehensive work The Geology of Scotland (4th Edition, London, 2002). At Aberdeen University he has taught geology and lead field excursions for students, industry and non-specialists for nearly forty years.
​ €25
​​Agates (Tresures of the Earth)

​​Created within volcanic lava, some agate dates back 545 million years. It forms within cavities in the rock, taking on distinctive shapes and colours all over the world according to local geology. This is an indispensable resource for anyone with a fascination for agates, from amateur collectors to gemmologists. With text from a well-known expert in the field this is both an up-to-date reference source and an accessible introduction to the world of agates.
​​9 780565 09195 8
​Volcanoes of Europe

​​Volcanoes have contributed in large part to the formation of the Earth's crust and atmosphere--and are intimately tied to the history of humanity. The most ancient civilizations of Europe have preserved the imprint of these spectacular and often terrifying phenomena. The explosion of Santorini, some 3600 years ago in the Aegean, undoubtedly inspired the Greek fables of Atlantis, the eruptons of Etna (Sicily) are the origin of the image of the forges of Cyclops and other myths, and the concept of Hades was linked to numerous volcanoes in the Mediterranean. Italy was the birthplace of the science of volcanology, and the Atlantic (Iceland and the Azores) volcanoes have given unrivalled opportunity for the study of volcanic islands recently formed. This book, both reference and guide, presents the causes, initiation, and growth of these volcanoes against a background of their environmental aspects and contemporary activity. Special attention is given to the impact on the people who live on or around them. The volcanoes of and volcanic activity in the Mediterranean basin, the Atlantic, and France and Germany are described in clear prose with a minimum of technical jargon. A glossary of volcanic terms used in the local languages is included, and the book is well illustrated with black and white photographs and maps, and an 8-page color insert.  

​Abyss of Time - A study in geological time & Earth history

​Geologists are among that group of scientists who must factor the passage of time into their investigations and they thus have a perspective on time that sets them apart from many other researchers. The proposition that geological time is vast, encompassing thousands of millions of years, is relatively recent. It is a concept that remains controversial and unacceptable to many people today who still consider the Earth to have been made to a timetable covering no more than ten thousand years. Paul Lyle examines how our fascination with time has developed from our earliest ancestors' recognition of the cycles of the sun and the moon. It considers the passage of time as a series of non-repeatable events, Time's Arrow, in contrast to time as a series of repeated processes, Time's Cycle, both of which can be used to explain geological features on the Earth's surface. The author argues for a greater understanding of geological or ‘deep time’ as society becomes more aware of the vulnerability of the Earth's resources to over-exploitation by an expanding consumer society. This debate and the controversy surrounding global warming emphasises the importance of geological time to the process of economic and political decision-making. It is a book for those interested in the intellectual challenge presented by the extent of geological time. It is written for environmentalists and policy-makers who wish to better place their concerns and decisions in proper context but, above all, it is a book that offers to share a geologist’s appreciation of time with the widest possible audience. 
​Leinster - Classic Geology in Europe 6

​​Leinster – in the east and southeast of Ireland – is a land of rocks that spell out the Palaeozoic history of Britain and Ireland. This book explains the geology of Leinster and leads the geological tourist to the more accessible sites and outcrops revealing its history. 
​Making of Meath

​Meath's natural landscape shows a myriad of hills, hollows, rivers, streams and boglands that together illustrate a fascinating geological history. The bedrock of the county records ancient events, while the landscape form itself has been sculpted by galcier ice during the last Ice Age. The Making of Meath tells that story, and illustrates the most striking geological sites and patterns within the county and explores the relationship between the land and humans, through the millennia.
​​Earths Restless Surface

​​Packed with colour photographs, maps and diagrams, this book reveals how to recognise past events recorded in rocks and considers the challenge of predicting the Earth’s future. How do natural forces erode and sculpt the Earth’s landscape? How are solid rocks worn away and how are they recycled? What influences climate change and what effect does this have on our natural environment? This newly revised edition of Earth’s Restless Surface provides an up-to-date introduction to the changing surface of the Earth, from the solid crust to the waters, atmosphere and living things that interact with it. Earth’s Restless Surface explains in accessible language how the planet is being constantly remodelled by powerful natural forces such as wind, water and ice. It recreates past landscapes and explains how studying the evidence of past climates is a vital part of learning about the Earth’s climate system, and how and why change comes about.
​978 0 565 09236 8
​This is the Burren 

​The Burren and the Cliffs of Moher on Ireland’s Wild Atlantic Way are amongst Ireland’s most enigmatic and magical places, with UNESCO-endorsed Geopark status since 2011. These photographs capture the essence of the Burren: the weathered landscape; the ever-changing light; the exotic flora; the elusive wildlife; the tombs, cairns, forts and churches, many shrouded in mystery; and the people who call this place their home. Join Carsten Krieger in this pictorial odyssey to celebrate this special part of Ireland, which continues to fascinate, enthrall and inspire.

​​Outstanding Academic Title' Choice, magazine of the Association of College & Research Libraries, American Library Association.Most mountains on Earth occur within relatively well-defined, narrow belts separated by wide expanses of much lower-lying ground. Their distribution is not random but is caused by the now well-understood geological processes of plate tectonics. Some mountains mark the site of a former plate collision – where one continental plate has ridden up over another, resulting in a zone of highly deformed and elevated rocks. Others are essentially volcanic in origin.The most obvious mountain belts today – the Himalayas, the Alps and the Andes, for example - are situated at currently active plate boundaries. Others, such as the Caledonian mountains of the British Isles and Scandinavia, are the product of a plate collision that happened far in the geological past and have no present relationship to a plate boundary. These are much lower, with a generally gentler relief, worn down through millennia of erosion.The presently active mountain belts are arranged in three separate systems: the Alpine-Himalayan ranges, the circum-Pacific belt and the mid-ocean ridges. Much of the Alpine-Himalayan belt is relatively well known, but large parts of the circum-Pacific and ocean-ridge systems are not nearly as familiar, but contain equally impressive mountain ranges despite large parts being partly or wholly submerged.This book takes the reader along the active mountain systems explaining how plate tectonic processes have shaped them, then looks more briefly at some of the older mountain systems whose tectonic origins are more obscure. It is aimed at those with an interest in mountains and in developing an understanding of the geological processes that create them.
​The Making of Europe

One of the most important issues in current debates on climate change is sea level rise. Hardly a day goes by when there is not a newspaper article, TV or radio presentation on the topic. Nearly half of the world’s population live on or near the coast, so there is real concern about the impact that future sea level rise may have. Yet media predictions of future changes tend to be depicted in a sensationalist manner and quite often the explanations of the science of sea level change bear little relation to reality. This book details the history of scientific discoveries that have explained the patterns of sea level change that have taken place across the Earth in the past. Alastair Dawson introduces the many complex processes, some of which are not well-known, that influence patterns and rates of relative sea level change. Using this knowledge, the reader is much better placed to form a clearer perspective on what the future is likely to have in store for sea levels on Earth.Alastair Dawson first addresses some of the most important misconceptions about the topic of sea level change. He then explains the principal causes of sea level change focusing on the key issues of vertical land movements and changes in global ocean volume. He explores the key areas of science that we need to understand in order to evaluate competing assertions of how sea level is likely to change in the future. He also shows how, remarkably, the melting history of the last great ice sheets on Earth is still playing an important part in contributing to present patterns of sea level change. The book concludes with a consideration of the rates and patterns of sea level change that have occurred over the last century and demonstrates how satellite technology is presently contributing new ways of understanding of present patterns of change.​

​​Sedimentary Structures 

​​Now enhanced with colour photographs and illustrations, this thoroughly revised fourth edition of Sedimentary Structures enhances its status as a major textbook in geology. Since its first publication in 1982, Sedimentary Structures has established and maintained itself as a pre-eminent resource that sets out a clear methodology and philosophy for understanding present-day sediments and sedimentary rocks as the product of dynamic processes.The fourth edition of this classic textbook introduces erosional, depositional and post-depositional sedimentary processes in an easily accessible way. It shows how sedimentary structures can be interpreted, across a wide range of scales, in terms of those processes.

Sedimentary structures produced by erosion, deposition and post-depositional change are all clearly explained and related to the processes that formed them. Hydrodynamic and aerodynamic controls on the development of subaqueous and aeolian bedforms are discussed, as are the styles of deformation to which sediments can be subjected after deposition. Structures that characterize deposition caused by chemical and biologically influenced processes are explained and illustrated, along with the complex effects of chemical changes, and of animal and plant activity in modifying sediments after they have been deposited. The book ends with an introduction to the methods and principles of environmental interpretation, for which earlier chapters provide an invaluable basis.Sedimentary Structures is designed principally for use in undergraduate settings and will be invaluable to students reading geology, earth sciences, physical geography and environmental sciences throughout their degree studies. It will also appeal to enthusiastic students at colleges and schools, as well as to amateur geologists who want to gain an understanding of sedimentary processes and products. Furthermore, the book is also valuable as a reference for both academic researchers and industry professionals alike. The fourth edition covers all major recent developments in the subject. It is characterized by an abundance of informative illustrations and photographic examples, and introduces colour figures for the first time.

This edition, the first prepared without the direct input of the late David Thompson, builds on a major re-write that paid particular attention to recent advances in the understanding of aeolian processes and bedforms, and in the interpretation of trace fossils. The introduction to environmental interpretation has been further developed to reflect recent advances in stratigraphic thinking, thereby enabling sedimentologists to more readily relate the occurrence of assemblages of sedimentary structures to likely environments of deposition. Sedimentary Structures emphasizes a practical, hands-on approach. It remains indispensable to those with a serious interest in the study of sedimentary structures, not only as fascinating features in themselves but also as key indicators in the reconstruction of past environments.

​​Atlas of the Deep-Water Seabed: Ireland

​Presented in an accessible, user-friendly format, this atlas sets out all the major features revealed during one of the largest ever deep-sea mapping campaigns. A unique insight into the morphology of the seabed along the continental margin of the North-East Atlantic, it reveals for the first time many features that have hitherto been hidden beneath the waves.

Unearthed: impacts of the Tellus surveys of the north of Ireland details how this unprecedented land and air survey of hidden Ireland rewards us with a more complete understanding of the natural history of this region. It tells an epic story of how Ireland’s geological past will sustain its future'. Professor Iain Stewart MBE Between 2004 and 2013, €15 million of government and EU funding was spent on high-resolution, airborne geophysical and geochemical sampling surveys of Northern Ireland and the six northern counties of the Republic of Ireland. This book presents some of the findings of the first two stages of Tellus, the largest collaborative cross-border programme of geoscience surveys ever undertaken on the island of Ireland. Tellus is a concerted cross-border investment in the terrestrial geosciences, intended both to stimulate exploration for natural resources and to generate essential data for environmental management. A huge volume of geoscientific data has already been produced and analysed by researchers in Ireland, the UK and beyond. Initiated by the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland, the Geological Survey of Ireland and the British Geological Survey, the project teams engaged widely with the academic community, industry, government, elected representatives, the general public and schools. Under the direction of the Geological Survey of Ireland, further phases of the Tellus programme are now steadily extending the surveys southward to cover the whole island. In this book, scientists who have worked with the Tellus data reflect on the outputs and impacts in terms of the economy, the environment, energy, agriculture and ecology.
​Geology at the Table

Introduction to the readers by Marco Komac (President of Eurogeosurveys) "The book "Geology at the table-Cooking withour border" is a special one. It is geologically flavoured cook-book, the first in its kind in the word. I dare you to cherish the joy of variety of the European cuisine this book brings with your family and friends and to pass on the true meaning of the book - a unique pan-european friendship that thrives on the richness of our continent's diversity".
​Minerals in your Life

​The newest EuroGeoSurveys publication "Minerals in your life" is an educational book that highlights the importance of minerals in numerous aspects of daily life. Fifty-one top expert geologists contributed to communicate the fascinating qualities of 30 minerals.


​Geology in History

​In this book the European Geological Surveys are pleased to present some examples highlighting the links between History and Geology. Most of them are related to mineral resources which constitute the basement of the development of mankind. Nevertheless, other topics are addressed as problems of access to drinking water in Austria, or the 1755 Lisbon Earthquake. Indeed groundwater or geohazards constitute natural extensions of the geological surveys traditional activities.


Wonder Water

The book brings you on a fantastic journey around Europe, showing the different properties of water that vary by country, informing you about several benefits of water on the basis of its body's composition. It describes fantastic places where your body and your mind can be "regenerated", revealing ancient stories and legends which revolve around water and how it has influenced the lifestyle of each location. This book, along with along with other publications by EuroGeoSurveys (Geology at the Table, Cooking Without Borders, Minerals in your life), introduces you to the world of geology, showing its constant presence in our daily life.
​Geochemical Atlas of Europe Vol 1

The “Geochemical Atlas of Europe” is the contribution of the Association of Geological Surveys of the European Union (EuroGeoSurveys) to the IUGS/IAGC “Global Geochemical Baselines” project. The Geochemical Atlas of Europe comes in 2 volumes (each sold seperately) The European geochemical baseline survey covers 26 countries, and provides invaluable information about the natural and human-induced concentrations of chemical elements in different sample media of the near-surface environment (topsoil, subsoil, humus, stream sediment, stream water and floodplain sediment). This is the first multi-national project, performed with a harmonised sampling, sample preparation, and analytical methodology, producing high quality compatible data sets across national borders. Over 60 determinands were analysed, most for total and aqua regia extractable concentrations. The first phase of the project was completed, and the results published in a two-volume set, which is also freely available for viewing and downloading from together with the analytical data and photograph archive. The geochemical field manual can also be downloaded from
Geochemical Atlas of Europe Vol 2

​The “Geochemical Atlas of Europe” is the contribution of the Association of Geological Surveys of the European Union (EuroGeoSurveys) to the IUGS/IAGC “Global Geochemical Baselines” project. The Geochemical Atlas of Europe comes in 2 volumes (each sold seperately) The European geochemical baseline survey covers 26 countries, and provides invaluable information about the natural and human-induced concentrations of chemical elements in different sample media of the near-surface environment (topsoil, subsoil, humus, stream sediment, stream water and floodplain sediment). This is the first multi-national project, performed with a harmonised sampling, sample preparation, and analytical methodology, producing high quality compatible data sets across national borders. Over 60 determinands were analysed, most for total and aqua regia extractable concentrations. The first phase of the project was completed, and the results published in a two-volume set, which is also freely available for viewing and downloading from together with the analytical data and photograph archive. The geochemical field manual can also be downloaded from



​This booklet investigates the nature, distribution, causes and effects of these transcient but terrifying natural events, and look at the possibilities of averting their most disastrous consequences.

Volcanoes are one of the planet's most awesome and yet seductive spectacles, evoking a host of emotions from fear and fascination, to sorrow and suspence. Gentle or terrible, they may bring fertility and fortune, or equally they may destroy and sterilise. This book sets out what we have learned about volcanoes in the two thousand years since the first written account of an eurption. Superbly illustrated, this book explains, what volcanoes are, and how they erupt, the stories of some famous eruptions, why scientists risk their lives to try understand volcanoes and how volcanoes bring prosperity to the millions of people who live nearby. Many of the magnificant photographs in the book were taken by Katia and Maurice Krafft, who risked their lives to capture on film beneficial hot springs and mud pots, livid red-hot lava fountains and flows, and killer ash clouds and mud-flows. Explore the fiery aspects of our planet for yourself.​


0 565 09138 7 

Gold examines all aspects of this most prized metal, from its scientific properties and mineralogy, to the myths that surround it and the eventful history of its exploitation. The allure of gold has captured human imagination and inspired legends throughout history, from the ancient Egyptians, who encased their dead in gold to confer immortality, to the Greek legend of Midas, who turned all he touched to gold. It has formed the basis of international finance and it still remains an icon of enduring wealth. This book describes the geological processes that form gold deposits, where they occur and the practicalities and changing technologies of extraction and use. With stunning illustrations and informative text, it reveals the world of gold and reflects our enduring fascination with this precious metal.
978 0 565 09141 5 

​Gemstones have been a source of facination for many thousands of years, from the fiery brilliance of diamond and the soft iridesence of pearl to tough jade gems once used in weapons and pink topaz that was popular in Victorian jewelery. This book looks at each of the world's known types of gemstones in turn, exploring their unique beauty, rarity and durability. It reveals how each of the gem minerals forms, where they are foundand mined, and how they are identified. The book also explains how to distinguish the real from the fake, cutting and polishing techniques and their use in adomment, from over 4500 years ago right up to the present day. With sumptuous colour photographs, Gemstones is a dazzling insight into the world of the rare and the valuable.
978 0 565 09155 2
​Earthquakes Our Trembling Planet

​Part of the BGS Earthwise series this book looks at the geological background to earthquakes and the how, where and why they strike and why some parts of the world suffer more than others.

​The book explains how amber is formed, where it is found and how to distinguish genuine amber from fakes. It describes its many uses, both in art and science, and recounts the elusive search for DNA from insect inclusions. Amber is a remarkable substance that originates from the resin of trees that lived millions of years ago. Anything that became trapped in this sticky resin was fossilized and perfectly preserved. The insects and other inclusions found in amber today are providing scientists with unique insights into the history of life on Earth. In Amber, Andrew Ross provides and engaging overview of this prehistoric substance and its fossilized inclusions.
978 0 565 09258 0 

​Meteorites are rocks from space that have fallen to the Earth's surface. Once considered bad omens, they are now recognised as giving us a unique insight into the nature of material that was present at the formation of the solar system. In Meteorites, leading experts from the British Natural History Museum provide a compelling introduction to these mysterious objects. Drawing on the latest information from key meteorite falls, it explains what meteorites are, where they come from and what they can tell us about our solar system and the planets, moons, asteroids and comets it contains, including Earth. It is written in an easy-to-follow, jargon-free style, making it accessible to all, and is illustrated throughout with a mix of photographic, diagrams and maps.
​978 0 565 09239 9
Giants of Irish Quaternary

This book contains profiles of a cross-section of scientists who made seminal contributions to the understanding of the quaternary landscapes of Ireland. Scientists included in this booklet carried out Quaternary-related research in (or relevant to) Ireland, but were not necessarily Irish by birth. The booklet evolved from a 1-day seminar hosted by the Irish Quaternary Association in the Hunt Museum, Limerick, on April 21st 2018, Standing on the shoulders of giants: A Quaternary Science Retrospective. Members of the Irish Quaternary Association were invited to write articles on individual scientists, and the articles included in this volume represent a selection of key individuals.


​The Burren and the Aran Islands

​The Burren and the Aran Islands, with their unique combination of flora, fauna and landscape, are explored by large numbers of walkers annually. This is a revised guide to some of the best walking routes in the region, with lucid descriptions and additional information to enhance the walkers' enjoyment and appreciation of the place. From the rugged interior to spectacular coastal scenery, from challenging upland walks to shorter road and waterside excursions, this selection has something for everyone. Every part of the region is covered. Walks vary from two-hour strolls to the longer Burren Way, a six-hour walk from Lisdoonvarna to Ballyvaughan. The author has put his considerable experience and detailed knowledge of the area to great use in putting together an easy-to-use guide that introduces the best of this region for locals and visitors alike. Each route, prefaced with a quick-reference summary, is illustrated with a clear sketch map; descriptions include detailed access information while points of interest are highlighted – geology, flora and fauna, history, archaeology and folklore.
​Italian Volcanoes

Based on an intimate knowledge and extensive research, Italian volcanoes, provides a complete introductory guide to one of the world's best known and most intensively studied volcanic areas. It is a unique guide to volcanic geology and an exciting introduction to how volcanoes work. Twelve detailed itineraries have been specially chosen to highlight the spectrum of volcanic products, their threat to human activity and their importance to understanding how volcanoes behave. Richly illustrated with maps and photographs, this guide is ideal for all geologists and visitors to Italy who have been captivated by some of the world's most spectacular volcanoes.
​Benbulbin Barytes Miners

​This book is a collection of stories of some of the men who worked in the Benbulbin mines from 1905 until all operations finally ceased in 1979. The stories were collected by the author, via audio recordings, podcasts, interviews, newspaper reports and personal documents belonging to some of the Barytes men. These stories are an important part of our heritage, in particular our industrial heritage and are worthy of recording for the education of future generations.
​Introducing Sedimentalogy 

Sediments and sedimentary rocks are fundamental to our understanding of the Earth and the array of environments that characterize its surface. Since some 70% of the rocks on the Earth’s surface are sedimentary in origin and sediments are of great economic importance, there is a very good chance that we encounter a sedimentary rock or an associated sedimentary process at some point very day of our lives. Introducing Sedimentology covers all of the rudimentary aspects of sedimentology including different types of sedimentary rocks, sedimentary structures and environments of deposition of sediments. The application of sedimentology in the search for hydrocarbons and other valuable economic resources is explained. Written for students, amateur enthusiasts and professional geologists, Introducing Sedimentology provides a succinct and accessible introduction to the science of sedimentology. It is generously illustrated with many explanatory line diagrams and colour photographs. Technical terms are kept to a minimum throughout the book, but a glossary of the terms used is provided. 
​Introducing Mineralogy

​People have been fascinated by minerals since prehistory. The attractions of minerals lie in their colours, their beautiful crystals and the discoveries of their uses and the metals that can be obtained from them. Minerals receive attention from a wide variety of people: mining executives, collectors, prospectors and scientists unravelling their molecular structure and origins. But, for someone new to mineralogy, the subject can appear to be overwhelmingly complex. In Introducing Mineralogy John Mason considers the essence of mineralogy in a clear and logical manner. The book begins with the basic chemistry of minerals and the way in which the mineral kingdom is classified. It then considers mineral occurrences, both typical, such as the minerals that largely make up common rocks like granite, and atypical, such as concentrations of rare metals in ore-deposits. The ways in which minerals are studied using microscopes and the importance of careful observation and interpretation are discussed and the topics of mineral collecting and related issues are addressed. The final chapters explore the uses of minerals, both industrial and scientific, and take a look at environmental issues associated with mineral extraction and usage Lavishly illustrated in colour and complete with a glossary, the book is aimed at students embarking on courses in the Earth Sciences and at the amateur collector who wants to find out more about the colourful rocks they may find when out walking.
​Introducing Natural Resources 

Over the many millennia that the human race has inhabited our planet, a use has been found for almost everything that is to be found on it. However, since the Industrial Revolution, many of the resources that we have come to rely on are being depleted, some at an alarming rate. Misuse of others, such as fossil fuels, is causing such damage to the environment that measures are being taken at an international level to restrict their use Introducing Natural Resources explains how the natural resources of the Earth originated, by outlining the astronomical and geological evolution of the planet in the early period of its existence. The genesis, mode of occurrence, and abundance of the various non-renewable mineral resources are described, together with the methods of extraction, extent of reserves, and any environmental problems. The use of renewable resources, such as solar energy, air, and water, are then discussed, together with plant and animal life, which are renewable resources only if properly managed. The book concludes with a summary of future issues in resource management. Copiously illustrated, this book is intended for those whose interest in natural resources has been stimulated, perhaps by media coverage of declining resources or environmental pollution, and who want to better understand the issues involved. Technical terms are kept to a minimum and are explained in a glossary.
Introducing Volcanology

Dougal Jerram answers the questions: What are volcanoes? What other volcanic activity is there? How do volcanoes relate to plate tectonics and the movement of continents? What are eruptions and why do they occur? How have volcanoes affected the earth’s climate? Can we predict eruptions? He also describes the most notable eruptions in history and their effect. Copiously illustrated throughout Introducing Volcanology is a concise and accessible introduction to the science of hot rocks for those with an adult curiosity and for those contemplating a course of formal study. As with sister volumes, technical terms are kept to a minimum and a glossary is provided covering the whole subject from ash to zeolites. Dougal Jerram is an earth scientist and director of Dougal EARTH Ltd, where he works with the media, industry, universities and schools on a wide variety of projects. He taught at Durham University for thirteen years, latterly as a Senior Lecturer.
​Introducing Palaeontology

Life on Earth can be traced back over three thousand million years into the past. Many examples of the Earth’s past inhabitants are to be found in rocks, preserved as beautiful and fascinating fossils. The earliest life forms were bacteria and algae; these produced the oxygen that enabled more complex life forms to develop. About 600 million years ago multi-cellular organisms appeared on Earth, some of which could protect themselves with hard parts such as shells. Many of these life forms were readily fossilized and are used to subdivide geological time. Numerous species have evolved and most are now extinct. Lineages can be traced and extinctions explained as a consequence of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial events. Lavishly illustrated with photographs and explanatory diagrams Introducing Palaeontology provides a concise and accessible introduction to the science of palaeontology. The book is divided into two parts. The first explains what a fossil is; how fossils came to be preserved; how they are classified; and what information they can tell scientists about the rocks in which they are found. The second part introduces the major fossil groups taking a systematic view from algae and plants, through the numerous examples of invertebrate animals, to the vertebrates and finally to man’s ancestors. Technical terms are kept to a minimum and a glossary is provided. Patrick Wyse Jackson is a Senior Lecturer in Geology and Curator of the Geological Museum at Trinity College, Dublin. He has been fascinated by fossil bryozoans for many years, and also investigates aspects of the history of geology.
​Introducing Geomorphology

​Geomorphology is the study of the earth’s landforms and the processes that made the landscape look the way it does today. What we see when we look at a scenic view is the result of the interplay of the forces that shape the earth’s surface. These operate on many different timescales and involve geological as well as climatic forces. Introducing Geomorphology provides a structured and easily accessible introduction to the science of geomorphology for those with an adult curiosity about the landscape and for those contemplating a course of formal study in physical geography, geology or environmental studies. As with sister volumes, technical terms are kept to a minimum and a glossary is provided. Professor Adrian Harvey taught undergraduate courses in geomorphology at the University of Liverpool. As sometime editor in chief a the leading academic journal in the field he is uniquely placed to condense his encyclopaedic knowledge of geomorphology into this introduction to the subject.
Introducing Tectonics

​Introducing Tectonics, Rock Structures and Mountain Belts is written to explain the key concepts of tectonics and rock structures to students and to the interested non-specialist, especially those without a strong mathematical background. The study and understanding of geological structures has traditionally been guided by the rigorous application of mathematics and physics but, in this book, Graham Park has avoided mathematical equations altogether and has reduced the geometry to the minimum necessary. Whilst excessive use of terminology is avoided, all technical terms are in a Glossary and, as with all books in this series, the text is illustrated profusely. Graham Park is Emeritus Professor of Tectonic Geology at the University of Keele and author of the popular ‘Introducing Geology’, the title that initiated the successful ‘Introducing’ series
​Introducing Geology

​Explains in simple terms what geology can tell us about the world. Many objects of great beauty and which excite our curiosity, such as crystals or fossils, are to be found by examining rocks. Those searching for and examining such objects gain much more by knowing how and when they originated. In particular fossils, whilst interesting in themselves, tell us from their context in geological time of biological evolution and these clues give an insight into the origins of life on earth. Graham Park is a professional geologist living in the north of Scotland. He hopes that this book will have the same impact on others that his first reading about geology had on him ~ in kindling a lifelong fascination with his subject.
​Introducing Metamorphism

Metamorphic rocks are one of the three main types of rock. Originally comprising either igneous or sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks are the products of change by heat and pressure, often at great depths in the earth’s crust, into a completely new form. One of the classic examples of the result of a metamorphic process is the transformation of sedimentary mudstone into slate. Introducing Metamorphism provides a succinct introduction to metamorphism. Ian Sanders explains how and why rocks change during metamorphic processes. He discusses the role of water in metamorphism and describes the different types of metamorphic processes including contact, shock and high pressure metamorphism and metamorphism in an orogenic belt. Copiously illustrated and written for those who wish to gain a clear understanding of metamorphic processes, Introducing Metamorphism is designed to make the processes that led to the formation of these rocks intelligible to its readers. Technical terms are kept to a minimum and are explained in a glossary.
Exploring the Limestone Landscapes of the Burrren

​The Burren hills and the Gort lowland are among the most extraordinary landscapes in Ireland. Although appearing very different, both owe their character to the same peculiar process, the slow dissolution of limestone by water.

The excursion in this new, and extensively revised, edition explain some of the common features and the highlights of this remarkable area. 

Stones of Dublin

​In ten of Dublin’s most historic buildings, we encounter the great periods of building activity, the people involved in their construction and the institutions that inhabited them. Behind the façades is the story of Dublin. The buildings are Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin Castle, Trinity College Dublin, the Old Parliament House (Bank of Ireland), City Hall, Kilmainham Gaol, St James’ Gate Brewery, the GPO, the Abbey and Croke Park. Bringing together the story of these landmark buildings takes us on a wonderful journey through the shifting social, political and cultural history of Ireland’s capital.
Set in Stone

Why a book on the Building stones of belfast? Not all buildings are made of concrete and glass. The use of natural stone for construction and ornamentation offers the opportunity to view a remarkable range of local and imported rock-types. Belfast's Buildings between them display some 2,500 million years of the earth's history with rocks representing four continents. Belfast is a microcosm of the earth's geological history.
​Stone, Water and Ice

​Stone, Water and Ice, A geology trip through the Burren, takes you through the evolution of the Burren from the start of its formation over 300 million years ago when it was the seabed of a tropical ocean, through tectonic plate activity, ice ages, rises and falls in sea level, erosion and deposition, all to create the Burren we know tobay.
The Valentia Island Tetrapod Trackway

Valentia Island tetrapod trackway is owned by the state and managed by the National Parks and Wildlife Service of the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government in order to allow safe visitor access to this important national geological monument. By Matthew Parkes. 
The Irish Geological Association

This history is conveniently divided into six parts, each of which corresponds to a decade (chronological interval) and a successive layering of events (or a 'stratigraphy') is described in each, hence the subtitle of this volume. It documents many of the activities of the Irish Geological Association which allowed its members to gain a greater understanding of the geological structure and evolution of Ireland and further afield. In addition, this short illustrated history recounts some of the initiatives dreamt up by its members to encourage further geological research and to bring the subject to a wider audience.
​Corries, Caves and Coast

This Booklet is a visual exploration of the geological heritage of County Waterford. An audit of the places of geological and landscape importance in 2011 documented numerous different sites. Some of the fascinating stories told by the rocks, minerals and fossils in these special places are presented here.
​978 0953202287 
​Karst, Turloughs and Eskers

​County Roscommon has a geologically diverse landscape with many places treasured by both natives and visitors. The bedrock foundation, with hundreds of millions of years in its formation and shaping, and the more recent history of geomorphological processes such as limestone solution and scouring by glaciers, are what has created that underlying geodiversity. Geological understanding is best achieved on the ground at sites where the rocks and landforms are well displayed. County Roscommon has a wealth of such natural and human-influenced sites, particularly or karstic and glacial origins. This book explores them in an accessible way for any reader.
​Irish Rocks

A guide to the most common types of rocks that occur around Ireland, from dark basalt in the north, glittering granites, quartzites and grey limestones to the red sandstone in the south. Paddy Gaffikin explains how these rocks came to be there and how to identify them and where they can be found. 


​Gold Frenzy

The Story of Wicklow's Gold In 1795, the chance discovery of a nugget was immediately followed by a gold rush as people were drawn by the prospect of picking up instant wealth from Wicklow's Goldmine River. Gold has always been mankind's enduring passion, and long after the initial rush, which the Government tried to crush, a belief persisted that enormous riches lay hidden in the Wicklow Hills. Amoung those to support the prostectors was Charles Stewart Parnell, and with independence, nationalists were convinced that Ireland was about to rediscover its source of ancient gold. In this entertaining and highly informative book, Peadar Mcardle, former Director of the Geological Survey of Ireland, describes how the frenzy has never really died down, and to this day, panners hope to be rewarded by the glimmer of gold.
​Irish Journal of Earth Sciences Joyces Country

​A new detailed (1:25,000) geological map, cross-sections and descriptions are presented of a large part of Joyces Country, consisting of Connemara Dalradian Schists unconformably overlain by both Silurian (Upper Llandovery to Wenlock) and Carboniferous (Tournaisian to Lower Visean) rocks. The full colour map is folded in a pocket with the accompanying text in a bound cover, elaborating on the structural geology of the area, which is very popular with student geological fieldtrips. The map will also contribute to a locally developing effort to apply for Geopark status for Joyces Country
​Boyne Valley in the Ice Age

A field guide to some of the Boyne Valley's most important Glacial Geological features
Europe's Major Base Metal Deposits

Europe's Major Base Metal Deposits, published by the Irish Association for Economic Geology, contains 28 technical contributions dealing with the geology of Europe's diverse base metal ore deposits and a geological map showing Europe's principal base, precious and ferrous metal deposits and smelters. Overviews of European base metal metallogeny, metal mining and explorations are included, as are regional geological syntheses - In addition to detailed descriptions of deposits and active mines in Central, Southern, Southeastern and Eastern Europe,Iberia, Ireland and Scandinavia. This publication is intended as a synopsis of Europe's base metal deposit geology at the start of the new millennium and as such will be of interest to those engaged in exploration and mining, ore deposit research, governmental activities and all students of economic geology.
Thermal Maturation Levels in the Devonian and Carboniferous Rocks in Ireland

​This publication includes a report and accompanying 'Map of thermal maturation levels in the Devonian and Carboniferous rocks of Ireland' documenting thermal maturation for more than 700 samples in the Devonian and Carboniferous of Ireland. 
​John Jackson Inaugural Lecture 1994

John Jackson Inaugural Lecture February 1994 With an appreciation of the life and work of John Semple Jackson 1920-1991 Royal Dublin Society 1995
Abandoned Mines of West Carbery

A descriptive History of mining in West Carberry Illustrated with pen and Ink drawings. Four distinct phases of mining are explored; the bronze age, sporadic exploration, intensive economic interests and declining metal prices which spans from 1810 AD to 1920.
Geological Guide to the Dingle Peninsula

​A geological Guide to the dingle Peninsula written for amateur, beginner and professional geologists. The guide is devided into three parts to cater for different audience. Part 1 introduces beginners to the geology of the area. Part 2 provides a locality description. Part 3 includes technical maps and sections. Written by Ralph R. Horne.
​The Irish Mineral Industry 1980-1990

Irish Association for Economic Geology Irish Minerals Industry Review of the Decade 1980-1990
Geology and Genasis of Mineral Deposits in Ireland

A series of papers exploring the geology and genesis of mineral deposits in Ireland.
​North Atlantic Mineral Symposium 2001

​Extended Abstracts Volume May 27-30 2001 Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
North Atlantic Mineral Symposium 1999

​Extended Abstracts Volume 19 - 22 September 1999 Dublin Ireland
​Natural and Cultural Landscapes The Geological Foundation

M. Parkes (ed. 2004). Proceedings of a conference 9-11 September 2002, Dublin Castle. Royal Irish Academy , Dublin.
The Classic Geology of the North of Ireland

​New Geology Tour Guide GSI has partnered with the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) in the publication of a colourful touring – or field - guide to the northern part of Ireland. It has materialised out of our growing efforts over the last decade or so to make the geological sciences palatable to more than the professional. This book blends a factual account of the rocks and landscapes with items of cultural, historical and social interest. Laid out as a six day touring itinerary it is hoped that this mix of geology and the wider natural heritage of the area will lighten the journey between suggested stops and, perhaps, encourage visitors to stay a while, simply out of curiosity, or even to visit somewhere too often regarded as being off-the-beaten-track. The arrangement of the six days of the tour can be easily adapted to meet individual needs and the guide even stretches to including a range of accommodation options for the visitor. The Geology The diverse ages of rocks present in the northern part of Ireland commence in the Palaeoproterozoic (about 1800 million years old) and include representatives of all the systems up to and including the Palaeogene (60–25 million years old). Geology does not stop at political boundaries and the regional geological maps published by the Surveys show the continuity of major geological structures and lineaments that dominate the geology of Northern Ireland into the Republic of Ireland. The wide array of rock types is also reflected in the variety of landscapes present. These extend from the high moorland of the Antrim Plateau, underlain by Palaeogene (Tertiary) basalt lavas, with the magnificent Glens of Antrim along the north and eastern coastal fringes. In the south and east are the rolling fields of Counties Down and Armagh, which are pierced by granites of the Mourne Mountains and Slieve Gullion. The rounded and glaciated peaks of the Sperrin Mountains in the northwest, give way to the maze of waterways of the Fermanagh Lakeland in the southwest. Between the Lakeland and the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the deeply dissected plateau of Counties Fermanagh, Cavan and Leitrim is composed of Carboniferous rocks and is encapsulated by magnificent Benbulben, overlooking County Sligo and enshrined in the poetry of W. B. Yeats, one of Ireland’s most famous poets. Along the subdued coastline of County Sligo are quiet headlands and secluded bays reflecting the presence of horizontal Carboniferous bedrock. And finally in the northwest is County Donegal, a land of stark contrasts from the wild and windswept Atlantic Coast culminating in the impressive cliffs of Slieve League, to the deep and dank Poisoned Glen at Glenveigh National Park.


​The Geology of Northern Ireland Our Natural Foundation

W.I. Mitchell (Ed. 2004, Second Edition). This publication gives a comprehensive account of the rocks and deposits shown on the 1997 edition of the 1:250,000 scale Solid Geology Map of Northern Ireland. Each chapter deals seperately with the different geological periods and there are also chapters on mineral exploration, hydrogeology and oil and gas. The book is fully illustrated with photographs, charts and maps.
​The Last Glacial Termination in Northern Ireland

The Last Glacial Termination in Northern Ireland chronicles the detailed sequences of events caused by the last great ice sheet in the Irish Sea Basin that affected Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. Many of the sediments described were deposited at the interface between oscillating and complex glacial and marine environments. By using a combination of detailed sedimnet lithofacies analysis and the latest radiocarbon techniques for determining the age of marine fossils contained in the sediments, the authors have unravelled the detailed history of ice advances, retreats, the timing of related marine transgressions and provided data for a re-evaluation of isostatic uplift models.
Landslides in Ireland 

A report published by GSI in association with the Irish Landslides Working Group has found that the incidence of landslide events in upland areas of the country has been underestimated. The Landslides in Ireland Report is the culmination of a number of years work by the Group, made up of a team drawn from universities and state agencies, and was established by the GSI in early 2004 to examine the issue of landslides in Ireland.
A Geological Guide to Cooley, Guillion, Mourne & Slieve Croob

This guide has been written for use by teachers of geography and geology at Leaving Certificate, AS, and A-level. It should also be of use at tertiary level and for the interested amateur. It is intended as a geological field guide to be used in conjunction with course text books. Some background geological information is given, but more detailed information should be found elsewhere. Academic references are kept to a minimum in the text; in-dept descriptions of the geological history of the area may be found in a number of the pblications listed in the Bibliography.

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