Publication queries should be directed to our Customer Centre at 01 678 2896
For all other queries please contact 01 678 2000
Some of our programmes have dedicated mailing lists and social media accounts due to the nature of our Geoscience work. See below for a full list of staff with contact details.
If you would like to
Ask a Geologist a question, please email the
Duty Geologist at
For Planning enquiries or submissions, please email the Planning programme at GSIPlanning[AT]
For Media enquiries, please contact Siobhán Power at Siobhan.Power[AT]
Our main location is at Booterstown Hall. To see the other locations we operate from, please click here.
Our postal address is:
Geological Survey Ireland
Dept. of the Environment, Climate and Communications
Block 1
Booterstown Hall
Co Dublin
A94 N2R6
Please note that due to the nature of their work, some of our programmes have dedicated mailing lists and social media accounts, listed below along with our full staff list contact details. [AT] stands for @ in email addresses.
Name | Role | Areas of expertise | Email address | Telephone |
Caroline Green | Head of Administration | Administration, Finance, Procurement
|[AT] | 01-678 2681 |
Joseph Fenlon
| Higher Executive Officer | Finance, Procurement
| joseph.fenlon[AT] | 01-678 2950 |
Joan Connaughton
| Higher Executive Officer | Finance, Procurement
| joan.connaughton[AT] | 01-678 2585 |
Les Fox | Executive Officer | Finance , Customer Care Centre Citywest |[AT] | 01-678 2896 |
Terry McGuinness | Executive Officer | Finance , GSI fleet | terry.mcguinness[AT] | 01-678 2815 |
Caroline O'Shea | Clerical Officer | Finance | caroline.oshea[AT] | 01-678 2841 |
Graham Downey
| Clerical Officer | Finance , GSI fleet | graham.downey[AT] | 01-678 2812 |
Stephen O'Neill | Services Officer | Reception, Citywest |
stephen.oneill[AT] | 01-678 2880 |
| gsiinvoices[AT]
| | | | |
Central Technical Services
Name | Role | Areas of expertise | Email address | Telephone |
Oisin O'Briain | Lab analyst/Technician | | oisin.obriain[AT] | |
Core Store, Sandyford | Main Contact | | gsi.corestore[AT] | 01-294 1227 |
Pat O'Sullivan | Contractor | |
| 01-678 2883 |
Tony Materson | Contractor | | | 01-678 2883 |
Andy Wilson | Contractor | | | 01-678 2883 |
Simon Dowling | Contractor | | | 01-678 2883 |
Sean Campbell | Contractor | | | 01-678 2883 |
| | | | |
Drilling Unit
Name | Role | Areas of expertise | Email address | Telephone |
Ger Cott | Senior Driller | | gerard.cott[AT] | 087-718 5774 |
Jason Rehill | Driller | | jason.rehill[AT] | |
| | | | |
Geothermal Programme
Name | Role | Areas of expertise | Email address | Telephone |
Geothermal info
| General enquiries
| | geothermal[AT]
| |
Sarah Blake
| Senior Geologist
| Geothermal Energy, Groundwater, Karst
| sarah.blake[AT]
| 01-678 2646
Taly Hunter-Williams
| Senior Geologist
| Hydrogeology, Groundwater & Source Protection, Groundwater Resources & Aquifers
| taly.hunterwilliams[AT]
| 01-678 2780
Rory Dunphy
| Contractor
| Geothermal Energy
| Rory.Dunphy[AT]
| |
Philip Bourke
| Graduate Geologist
| Geothermal Energy, Groundwater
| Philip.Bourke[AT]
| |
| | | | |
Geohazards Programme
Name | Role | Areas of expertise | Email address | Telephone
Charise McKeon | Geologist | Marine geology, shipwrecks , landslides/geohazards | charise.mckeon[AT] | 01-678 2752 |
| | | | |
Geoheritage and Planning Programme
Name | Role | Areas of expertise | Email address | Telephone |
Planning enquiries/submissions | Main Contact | | GSIPlanning[AT] | |
Clare Glanville | Head of Programme | Geoheritage, Planning, Geoparks | clare.glanville[AT] | 01-678 2837
Trish Smullen | Geologist | Planning responses | trish.smullen[AT] | 01-678 2781 |
| | | | |
Geological Mapping
Name | Role | Areas of expertise | Email address | Telephone |
Geological Mapping Info | Main Contact | | GeologicalMappingInfo [AT] |
Sophie O'Connor | Senior Geologist | 3D Geological Modelling, Geotechnical Data Applications, Urban Geology | sophie.oconnor[AT] | 01-678 2645 |
Markus Pracht | Geologist | Carboniferous, Stratigraphy, Geological Mapping | markus.pracht[AT] | 01-678 2838 |
Silvia Caloca | Geologist | Coastal vulnerability, erosion | silvia.caloca[AT] | 01-678 2765 |
Beatriz Mozo | Geologist | 3D Geological Modelling, Geotechnical Data, Urban Geology | beatriz.mozo[AT] | 01-678 2795 |
Michael Sheehy | Geologist | Quaternary, Ground Motion, Earth Observation | michael.sheehy[AT] | 01-678 2794 |
Russell Rogers | Geologist | Geology, Geological Mapping |[AT] | 01-678 2816 |
John Butler | Clerical Officer | Planning and geotechnical administration, invoices | john.butler[AT] | 01-678 2785 |
Groundwater and Geothermal Unit
Name | Role | Areas of expertise | Email address | Telephone |
Groundwater Info | General Enquiries
| Public Enquiries
| groundwaterinfo[AT] | |
Monica Lee | Head of Unit | Groundwater Resources, Groundwater Vulnerability , Groundwater Source Protection |
monica.lee[AT] | 01-678 2784 |
Taly Hunter Williams | Senior Geologist | Hydrogeology, Groundwater and Source Protection, Groundwater Resources and Aquifers Geothermal Energy
taly.hunterwilliams[AT] | 01-678 2780 |
Katie Tedd | Senior Geologist | Hydrogeology, Groundwater Resources, Hydrochemistry |
katie.tedd[AT] | 01-678 2647 |
Sarah Blake | Senior Geologist | Geothermal Energy, Groundwater, Karst | sarah.blake[AT] | 01-678 2646 |
Ted McCormack | Senior Geologist | Groundwater Flooding, Climate Change, Remote Sensing | ted.mccormack[AT] | 01-678 2641 |
Caoimhe Hickey | Geologist | Karst and Karst hydrogeology, Groundwater Vulnerability, Groundwater and Source Protection | caoimhe.hickey[AT] | 01-678 2811 |
Tristan Martin
| Graduate Geologist | Hydrogeology, karst mapping
| Tristan.Martin[AT] | |
Philip Bourke
| Graduate Geologist
| Hydrogeology, karst mapping
| Philip.Bourke[AT] | 01-678 2644
| | | |
| | | |
| | | | |
Information Programme (Information Management and Technology, Communications, Education, Cartography and Archives)
Name | Role | Areas of expertise | Email address | Telephone |
Gráinne O'Shea | Head of Programme | GIS, Data Management |
grainne.nishe[AT] | 01-678 2764 |
Cathal Jordan | GIS officer | Data, Viewers, Downloads | cathal.jordan[AT] | 01-678 2855 |
James Trench | Executive Engineer | |
james.trench[AT] | 01-678 2854 |
Sophie Préteseille | Geologist | Website and Information Management, Environmental Impact Assessment |
sophie.preteseille[AT] | 01-678 2897 |
Siobhán Power | Geologist | Communications, Education, Joyce Country & Western Lakes Geopark | siobhan.power[AT] | 01-678 2760 |
Laura Smith
| Contractor | Down to Earth exhibition, website, social media |
| |
Eddie McMonagle | Chief SuperIntendent | GIS, Desktop Publishing, Merchandise Procurement |
eddie.mcmonagle[AT] | 01-678 2803
Gerry French | Assistant SuperIntendent | | gerry.french[AT] | 01-678 2826 |
| | | | |
Marine and Coastal Unit Programme
 |  | |
Name | Role | Areas of expertise | Email address | Telephone |
Sean Cullen | Head of Unit | Hydrography, Vessel Operations |
sean.cullen[AT] | 01-678 2810 |
Xavier Monteys | Senior Geologist | Marine Geology, Coastal Processes, Remote Sensing | xavier.monteys[AT] | 01-678 2807 |
Eoin MacCraith | Senior Geologist | Marine Geology, Hydrography, Survey Operations | eoin.maccraith[AT] | 01-678 2797 |
David Hardy | Geologist | Marine Geophysics, Marine Geology, Hydrography |
david.hardy[AT] | 01-678 2834 |
Charise McKeon | Geologist | Marine geology, shipwrecks , landslides/geohazards |
charise.mckeon[AT] | 01-678 2752 |
Charlotte Bennet | Graduate Geologist | | charlotte.bennet[AT] | |
Louise Marcantonio | Clerical Officer | Accounts, Invoicing |
louise.marcantonio[AT] | 01-678 2840
Aileen Bohan | Hydrographer Geologist | Marine Geology, Hydrography, Seabed Mapping | aileen.bohan[AT] | |
Felim O'Toole | Contractor | Hydrographic Surveys, Deep Sea Habitat Mapping, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Surveys | felim.otoole[AT] | |
Yeray Castilllo | Contractor | | yeray.castillo[AT] | |
Jess Murray | Contractor | | jess.murray[AT] | |
Dan Farrell | Contractor | | dan.farrell[AT] | |
Kate Hynes | Contractor | | kate.hynes[AT] | |
| | | | |
Minerals Programme
Name | Role | Areas of expertise | Email address | Telephone |
Eoin McGrath | Head of Programme | Minerals, Mining, Raw Materials | eoin.mcgrath[AT] | 01-678 2863 |
Sean Connell | Graduate Geologist | | sean.connell[AT] |
Des Johnston | Contractor | | des.johnston[AT] | 01-678 2852 |
Tim Workman | Contractor | | tim.workman[AT] | 01-678 2851 |
| | | | |
Research Management
Name | Role | Areas of expertise | Email address | Telephone |
Research Information | Main Contact | | research[AT] | 01-678 2650 |
Aoife Braiden | Research Manager | Research Management |
aoife.braiden[AT] | 01-678 2650 |
Ana Luísa Lavado | Research Officer | Research Management | analuisa.lavado[AT] | |
| | | | |
Senior Management
Name | Role | Areas of expertise | Email address | Telephone |
Koen Verbruggen | Director | Geology Management, Marine Geology, Mineral Exploration |
koen.verbruggen[AT] | 01-678 2864 |
Ray Scanlon | Principal Geologist | | ray.scanlon[AT] | 01-678 2740 |
Monica Lee | Principal Geologist | Groundwater Resources, Groundwater Vulnerability , Groundwater Source Protection | monica.lee[AT] | 01-678 2784 |
Sean Cullen | Principal Geologist | Hydrography, Vessel Operations |
sean.cullen[AT] | 01-678 2810 |
| | |
Caroline Green | Assistant Principal Officer | |[AT] | 01-678 2681 |
Eddie McMonagle | Chief SuperIntendent | GIS, Desktop Publishing, Merchandise Procurement |
eddie.mcmonagle[AT] | 01-678 2803 |
| | | | |
Tellus Programme
Name | Role | Areas of expertise | Email address | Telephone |
Tellus Freephone Information Line | Main Contact | |
tellus[AT] | 1800 45 55 65 |
James Hodgson | Head of Programme | Geophysics, Radon, Geochemistry Operations |
jim.hodgson[AT] | 01-678 2742 |
Mairéad Fitzsimons | Senior Geologist | Environmental Geoscience, Geochemistry, Soil |
mairead.fitzsimons[AT] | 01-678 2761 |
Rory Selby-Smith
| Graduate Geologist | Tellus
| rory.selby-smith[AT] | |
Victoria Lowe | Geologist / Contractor | Geochemistry | victoria.lowe{AT] | |
Urban Geology Programme
Name | Role | Areas of expertise | Email address | Telephone |
Sophie O'Connor | Senior Geologist | 3D Geological Modelling, Geotechnical Data Applications, Urban Geology |
sophie.oconnor[AT] | 01-678 2645 |
Beatriz Mozo | Geologist | 3D Geological Modelling, Geotechnical Data, Urban Geology | beatriz.mozo[AT] | 01-678 2795 |
| | | | |