Related Programmes

Landslides in Ireland (Geohazards programme)

​Landslides occur all over the world and can cause major destruction and loss of life in extreme circumstances. Ireland is fortunate not to be in an extreme high risk to major geohazards. Indeed, in comparison to many other countries, Ireland may be regarded as a benign environment in terms of landslide hazard.

Tusunami warning system (Geohazards programme)

​Geological Survey Ireland is working with national partners, including the Office for Emergency Planning, Met Éireann, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies and the Office of Public Works, to enhance the international tsunami monitoring system, estimate the risks and develop an appropriate emergency response plan for Ireland.

Coastal erosion CHERISH project (Marine programme)

​CHERISH stands for Climate, Heritage and Environments of Reefs, Islands and Headlands. The 5 year project is cross-disciplinary with partners in Wales and Ireland. CHERISH aims to raise awareness and understanding of the past, present and near future impacts of climate change, storminess and extreme weather events on the rich cultural heritage of the Irish and Welsh regional seas and coast.

Coastal Vulnerability Index (Marine programme)

Geological Survey Ireland is undertaking a new coastal vulnerability mapping initiative. Maps produced in this project will provide an insight into the relative susceptibility of the Irish coast to adverse impacts of sea-level rise through the use of a Coastal Vulnerability Index.

Sinkholes (Groundwater and Geothermal Unit)

Sinkholes are natural enclosed depressions found in karst landscapes. They either for by the slow dissolution of rock from the surface downward or by the collapse of overlying rock or overlying material into an underground cave or chamber.

Karst geohazards (Groundwater and Geothermal Unit)

​Karst areas are characterised by landforms of dissolution such as sinkholes, caves, broken bedrock surface, dry valleys and this causes considerable difficulties for planning and development. Karst aquifers are particularly vulnerable to pollution and karst features can also give rise to flooding.

Irish National Seismic Network (Geohazards Programme)

​Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies operates and maintains the Irish National Seismic Network; a network of seismometers installed across Ireland to detect earthquakes. Geological Survey Ireland in partnership with DIAS both invested to support and expand the network for more stations, greater coverage and more accurate recording of earthquakes in Ireland.