

​​​Minerals data and maps available include Minerals Prospectivity Mapping (MPM) Project, Mineral Exploration Boreholes, Mineral localities, Quarry directory, Aggregate Potential Mapping and Exploration records/Open file.

Minerals Prospectivity Mapping (MPM) Project

Mineral Exploration Boreholes

Mineral Localities

Quarry Directory 2014

Aggregate Potential Mapping

Exploration Records ('Open File')

Core store catalogue

Mineral Prospectivity Mapping (MPM) Project

Northwest Midlands Carboniferous historic soil geochemistry.


Sample Media: Soil (various depths).

Coverage: Galway, Roscommon, Mayo, Sligo, Leitrim, Longford, along with parts of Cavan, Westmeath and Offaly.

Dataset: Merged database of digitised historic third party private sector soil data is compiled from three sources:

i) Geological Survey Ireland: Compilation and digitisation of historic third party private sector soils data from the 'Open File' historic minerals exploration data.

ii) Vedanta Exploration Ireland Ltd. 'Geochemistry Compilation Project: Compilation of shallow soils published by the Geoscience Regulation Office (GSRO) in 2020.

iii) Geoscience Regulation Office: Recent and historic ('Legacy') third party private sector soils datasets submitted to the GSRO by exploration companies under the terms of their prospecting licences and made publically available.

This merged database includes locations and reported assays (mainly Cu, Pb and Zn), along with any information on the original data source, reporting companies, survey years and analytical methods, if available.

Survey years: 1960s to 2010s

Data release notes

MPM Historic Soils (File Geodatabase)link to zip file (122 MB)
​MPM Historic Soils (Excel files)link to zip file (112 MB) 
​​​Further detailslink to MPM project page

Northwest Midlands geophysical lineaments.


Structural lineaments picked in Tellus airborne geophysical maps across the Northwest Mineral Prospectivity Mapping (NW MPM) project area.

Report (12 MB)

Geophysical Lineaments Vector Data

File Geodatabase (3 MB)

Shapefiles (2.5 MB)

Magnetic DataLink to zip file (114 MB)
Electromagnetic DataLink to zip file (122 MB)
Further detailsLink to MPM project page

Mineral Exploration Boreholes

These boreholes were drilled to find minerals, oil, gas, water or to find out more about geology. The data shows the location of the boreholes drilled in Ireland from 1957 to 2002. They were submitted to the GSI from mineral exploration companies.

Data DownloadZip file (Shapefile)  or Zip file (Excel)
Map ViewerLink to viewer
Web ServicesREST Service or WMS
GoldmineLink to GOLDMINE

Mineral Localities

Coordinate System: Irish National Grid / ING

Data DownloadZip file
Map ViewerLink to viewer
Web Services

REST Service


Quarry Directory 2014

The Quarry Directory 2014 provides information on crushed rock, sand and gravel, and dimension stone operations throughout the country.

Data DownloadZip file
Map ViewerLink to viewer
Web ServicesREST Service
​DirectoryLink to publication​

Aggregate Potential Mapping

The Aggregate Potential Mapping (APM) shows the potential for crushed rocks and for sand and gravel. The APM also shows the inventory of active and historical quarries and pits in Ireland, as known in 2014.

Data DownloadZip file​
Map ViewerLink to viewer
Web ServicesRest services


Exploration Records ('Open File')

GSI holds Exploration Company Reports relating to many current and retired Prospecting Licence (PL) Areas.

Data DownloadLink to Geodata
​Map ViewerLink to viewer
​GoldmineLink to Goldmine


Core store

CatalogueExcel spreadsheet
Core viewingSee details (redirect to Core store page)
