Data & Maps

Data & Maps


Geological Survey Ireland is the national earth science agency and is a division of the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications. We provide independent geological information and interpretation and gather various data for that purpose.

We recommend using our various datasets when conducting the EIAR, SEA, planning and scoping processes for developments, plans and policies. This data can add to the content and robustness of the environmental assessment process.

Use of our data or maps should be attributed correctly to ‘Geological Survey Ireland’.

Should development go ahead, all other factors considered, we would much appreciate a copy of reports detailing any site investigations carried out. The data would be redacted for confidentiality and added to Geological Survey Ireland’s national database of site investigation boreholes, implemented to provide a better service to the civil engineering sector. Data can be sent to the Geological Mapping Unit via email (GeologicalMappingInfo[AT]

Should any significant bedrock cuttings be created, we would ask that they will be designed to remain visible as rock exposure rather than covered with soil and vegetated, in accordance with safety guidelines and engineering constraints. In areas where natural exposures are few, or deeply weathered, this measure would allow on-going improvement of geological knowledge of the subsurface and could be included as additional sites of the geoheritage dataset, if appropriate. Alternatively, we ask that a digital photographic record of significant new excavations could be provided. Potential visits from Geological Survey Ireland to personally document exposures could also be arranged.