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RIA acknowledge GSI and DCCAE support of Geoscience

RIA acknowledge GSI and DCCAE support of Geoscience


​The Royal Irish Academy (RIA) have included the Director of Geological Survey Ireland (GSI) in their new members admitted for 2018. The RIA is Ireland's leading body of experts in the sciences and humanities, acts as a champion of research, supports scholarship and promotes awareness of how science and the humanities enrich our lives and benefit society. This year Koen Verbruggen, the Director of GSI is being admitted as a member, in an acknowledgement of the significant scientific and public role being played by GSI and the support it has received from its parent Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment.

In a further move acknowledging the importance of Geoscience in Ireland, Geology Professor Balz Kamber of Trinity College Dublin  is also being admitted as a new member today.

Pictured Koen Verbruggen (left), RIA secretary Pat Shannon (centre) and Balz Kamber (right).