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New collaboration with ESRI

New collaboration with ESRI


​GSI has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Economic and Social Research Institute. As part of this new agreement, GSI and ESRI will collaborate on the EU project PACIFIC - a minerals project connecting Canadian, Irish, French and Finnish partners. The work will combine new geophysics exploration methods and experimental work in behavioural sciences.

“The ESRI’s Behavioural Research Unit is delighted to be able to engage with the world of geoscience and to work with the Geological Survey of Ireland. As behavioural scientists, we enjoy reaching out across scientific disciplines and policy areas. We hope to be able to learn from each other and to generate some new and useful findings in the area of public risk perception.” Dr Pete Lunn, ESRI;

"GSI are delighted to partner with the ESRI. It is an example of truly interdisciplinary work and we look forward to further developing the partnership with Pete, Deirdre and the team". Koen Verbruggen, GSI.