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Geoscience 2020 - Geoscience for Policy

Geoscience 2020 - Geoscience for Policy


The annual Geological Survey Ireland conference took place on Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 November.  What was supposed to be a 2-day celebration in Dublin Castle of the 175 anniversary of the establishment of the Geological Survey in Ireland became a positive and forward-looking online showcase and discussion of where the work of Geological Survey Ireland is assisting national policy areas. Geoscience2020 was opening by Minister Eamon Ryan TD, who spoke about where he saw the work of Geological Survey Ireland in the future. Minister Ryan identified the three key work areas of land use policy, the marine environment and our shared island and environment with Northern Ireland.  Within land use policy, our main areas of work include the collection of data for the management and protection of our soil and water resources, the data and knowledge acquisition for the development of Ireland's geothermal potential, and our role in the Irish minerals industry.





Over the two days, speakers from Geological Survey Ireland, other government agencies and national and international guest speakers looked at current work in the areas of geothermal energy, the surface and subsurface challenges, the marine environment and the natural resources of water and minerals. The conference being online afforded us the chance to invite international speakers and allowed for a greater number of attendees than usual.   

Further information:

For those who registered, presentations and posters will available on the conference app until end July 2021.
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