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UGEG meeting in Namur, Belgium

UGEG meeting in Namur, Belgium


The biannual meeting of the Urban Geology Expert Group (UGEG) took place in Namur, Belgium from Wednesday, 8 November to Friday, 10 November 2023.  The meeting was organized by the Geological Survey of Belgium.

The meeting was attended by 2 members of the Urban Geology programme from Geological Survey Ireland as well as geologists from other European Geological Surveys that are participants in the UGEG.

The meeting consisted in the progress of the planning activities the expert group is working on and two field trips:

  • Geo CIM and 3D models
  • Urban catchment and UGF (link to page)
  • Factsheets
  • Possible connections between UGEG activities and GSEU
  • An agreement of future actions and more collaboration with other expert groups
  • Old iron mine in Vedrin. The groundwater is treated and used as drinking water in Belgium
  • Underground black limestone quarry, used in Versailles and Taj Mahal among others