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A Quaternary Geology Specialist for Geological Survey Ireland

A Quaternary Geology Specialist for Geological Survey Ireland

27 February 2020

​Geological Survey Ireland is seeking the provision of services of a Quaternary geology specialist for a 2 year contract for sub-soils and geomorphology mapping in various areas around Ireland.


The Geological Mapping programme creates maps that depict the rocks and sub-soils of the onshore area of Ireland.  We collect new data by field surveying and borehole drilling, and combine them with existing mapping to produce map products at various scales and levels of complexity.  Our aim is a seamless, maintained, online data set of bedrock and subsoils geological mapping that is reliable, accessible and meets the requirements of all users.

Our Quaternary geology field programme is gathering outcrop, borehole and shallow geophysical data in areas where existing data coverage is low, to improve the National Quaternary map. A new digital field data collection system has been developed in-house.  The map is updated annually after the results of each summer field season have been compiled.

A Quaternary geology specialist is required for a 2-year contract for sub-soils and geomorphology mapping in various areas around Ireland.  Initially, work will focus on parts of Cos Kildare and Wexford.   Mapping will use standard GSI field methods and will involve digital data capture, drilling and geophysical surveys.   Training in field methods will be provided.  Tasks will include logging natural and artificial exposures, mapping geomorphology, supervising borehole drilling, collecting samples, and data interpretation, mapping and reporting.  The service provider will be expected to work on their own in the field, sometimes in remote areas, but with supervision by GSI field geologists.

The service provider must be available for fieldwork during summer mapping campaigns (May to September) and will be based in the field areas with occasional visits to GSI headquarters.  They should be adaptable to changing circumstances during the field campaign, and follow GSI procedures for stakeholder engagement.

After each summer field programme, the service provider will be based at GSI headquarters in Dublin and contribute to data analysis and map production (note that GSI is expected to be moving from Beggars Bush in 2020 to another location in the Dublin area).  Other tasks related to the geological mapping programme may also be assigned, including landslide mapping and site visits to geotechnical investigations.  This role will also give the service provider the opportunity to contribute to research in Irish Quaternary Geology and engineering geology through participation in conferences, workshops and publications.

Tenderers must hold a B.Sc. or equivalent in geology, geoscience or a related subject and a current full clean driving licence (Category B) as recognised by National Driver Licence Services.

Details of the Request for Tender is available on eTenders website.

Response deadline Wednesday 6 May 2020, 12:00 (Irish Time).