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Introduction to the European Ground Motion Service

Introduction to the European Ground Motion Service


Image: This image is a Copernicus Land Monitoring Service product. Copernicus Land Monitoring Service products and services 

were produced with funding by the European Union

European Ground Motion Service Course

Venue: Engineers Ireland, Clyde Road
Date & Time: 10/10/23 14:00 to 17:30

Free registration.
Those wishing to attend should email with their name, organisation and email address.
More information about EGMS

Geotechnical Society of Ireland and Geological Survey Ireland are co-hosting a free half day course on the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS).  The EGMS is a Copernicus Service devoted to the monitoring of land deformation phenomena.

 Developed from data collected by the Sentinel-1 radar satellite mission the EGMS measures the millimetre-scale position, over-time, of 'ground-features' that reflect the satellite's radar pulse back to the satellite. Reflecting features may be natural, e.g., bare rocks, or man-made structures. EGMS products provide high-density arrays of measurement points by which a variety of ground motion phenomena may be measured and mapped. The mapping provides a seamless European coverage of terrain motion that is useful at a range of scales from regional assessments to site investigation.

 The service is free to use and provides users with three different product which are each applicable in different scenarios. This course will help you choose and interpret the most appropriate product for your application of interest, explain the background of the science behind the products and demonstrate how these products are used in a range of settings. There will also be the opportunity to meet other users and ask questions of practitioners at the event.

 More details including the course outline