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Geological Survey Ireland Geoheritage Grant Scheme 2022/2023

Geological Survey Ireland Geoheritage Grant Scheme 2022/2023

12 September 2022

Supporting the development and sustainability of Ireland's geoheritage through community-driven geoscience outreach initiatives, including education, geotourism and geoheritage related site preparation, to promote economic growth.


Geological Survey Ireland invites applications by 10 October 2022 for the Geoheritage Grant aid for 2022/23 up to a maximum of €10,000.


This grant aid is available to support small community-driven geoheritage initiatives that will assist:

  1. the delivery of public outreach, educational and geotourism activities to promote the geoheritage of an area; or
  2. the delivery of required educational and geotourism activities to help aspiring projects to develop as de facto geoparks; or
  3. the delivery of required educational and geotourism activities, for example helping UNESCO Global Geoparks maintain their UNESCO Global Network status.

Suitable projects could be the publication of a popular book, map or flyer; trail or signage installation; geoheritage related site preparation; product launch, innovative media concepts, online content, etc., that promotes the geology/geoheritage of the area.

Applications should be cognisant of the definition of geoheritage "It is the abbreviated version of the term geological heritage. It is part of the natural heritage of a certain area constituted by geodiversity elements with particular geological value and hence worthy of safeguard for the benefit of present and future generations. Geoheritage can include both in situ elements (geosites) or ex situ elements (collections of geological specimens) with paleontological, geomorphological, mineralogical, petrological or stratigraphical significance, among others."; ProGeo (the European association for the conservation of the geological heritage).

6pm (Irish time), October 10 2022


Maximum funding
€10,000 including indirect costs

Maximum 12 months

By email – Applicants must follow the application instructions as set out in the document listed below.

2022/2023 Geoheritage Grant Application Details (Download here)