The theme for International Geodiversity Day on 6 October 2024 was “Conserving the Past – Sustaining the Future”
In part to mark International Geodiversity Day and in part to celebrate geoheritage in the community, Geological Survey Ireland's Geoheritage Programme hosted an event in Tom Johnston House / Beggars Bush on Monday, 7 October, to celebrate Irish geoheritage. The day showcased the projects from around the country that were funded by our annual geoheritage grants over the last few years. Funded projects gave short, informal updates on products, interpretative boards, and other work they’ve done to make geology and geoheritage accessible to the public, while each project also had a stand area to display their work.
It was a successful, colourful and interesting event. There was great networking, sharing of ideas, enthusiasm, and many examples of geoheritage in the community supporting the Sustainable Development Goals' (SDGs). Of striking interest was the number of follow on and subsequent community developments that had evolved as a result of the initially funded grant projects.

Above, Clare Glanville from the Geoheritage Programme at Geological Survey Ireland speaking at the event.