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Explanatory Note on Critical Raw Materials & Rare Earth Minerals

Explanatory Note on Critical Raw Materials & Rare Earth Minerals



Critical Raw Materials are those elements which are important for society but whose supply chain is vulnerable or overly reliant on another country.

Most global economies have their own individual list of these materials which can vary slightly by country. The European Commission publishes an updated list approximately every 4 years of Critical Raw Materials for the EU.

In 2024, the European Union published the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) to help reduce Europe's over reliance on imports of these elements. The Act aims to increase production of raw materials in Europe by increasing recycling rates and opening new mines within Europe, while also reducing over reliance on individual non-EU countries for mineral supply. Each EU member state is also required to set up a national Exploration Programme and evaluate the potential for CRMs in mine waste. The implementation of the CRMA in Ireland rests with Department of the Environment, Climate and Communication while the National Exploration Programme is to be carried out by Geological Survey Ireland.

Geological Survey Ireland is a leading survey within Europe on Raw Materials. The Survey has representatives on several European expert groups providing data and advice to the European Parliament and the European Commission. Geological Survey Ireland also chairs the European Expert Group focused on National Exploration Programmes.

The full explanatory note ​is available for download here​.​